Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: JAyBnAZ and Friends

Know how to run your gun before you start showing off. In fact, you might want to forget that whole showing off thing entirely. Or do it right and call it journalism.

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: MrMisterEpic

I would love to open carry in RI. Coming out of the closet would be the single most effective way to defend and extend Ocean State gun rights. It "normalizes" firearms. Unfortunately, many members...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Travis Hood

What's The First Rule Of Gun Safety? TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia know it by heart; even our resident trolls have absorbed it osmotically by now. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. That way...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: The Lino Lakes Police Department

Maybe you've seen the sign at your local range. American Firerarms School has it: "Safety is everybody's responsibility." And that's how I can condemn the entire Lino Lakes Police Department (MN) for the shooting...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Charlie Sheen

According to, Charlie Sheen's been riffing on his negligent discharge with then wife Kelly Preston (a.k.a., Kelly Kamalelehua Palzis). "I thought she was still asleep upstairs. And I heard a f**king gunshot go off. I...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Ignacio Galvan [Not Shown]

Yo Ignacio? So you buy the gun ten years ago, before you have your first child, but somehow forget where you stashed it? Whereupon your eight-year-old...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: rome769

Never stand in front of a gun that someone's shooting, however oblique the angle. Never shoot a gun in someone's general direction unless you intend on killing them. In that case, you really should aim...

TTAG Irresponsible Owner of the Day (Russian Edition)

Inexperienced shooter. Semi-automatic pistol. Lack of attentive instruction. What could go wrong? Well, let's see. Aleksandra Voronkova, 33 and her boyfriend like to shoot at the Khishchnik Club and decided to invite friends from...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Brady Campaign Demo Shooter

First, he racks the slide while placing his hand over the ejection port (the hole out of which the spent casing fly). This can lead to an extremely dangerous situation whereby a bullet still...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: FPS Russia. Again.

What's it going to take to convince this Internet phenom to wear eye and ear protection? Meanwhile, it's time for the spoof video. Or is this it?

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Ryan Martin [Not Shown]

I believe in Constitutional Carry. An American citizen should be able to walk into a gun store, show a real ID, buy a gun, buy some bullets, put some bullets into the gun, stick...