Truck-Shooting sootch00: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

128 This video is instructive. Here's what happens when you mistake your sight picture for your barrel position. It could've been worse. Don't be that guy. Don't be me. But that's not the way sootch00 plays it....

Unidentified Texas Gun Spinner: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

See that caption above? Yeah, that's not what happened, exactly. "A Texas teenager was participating in a water gun fight when she was unsuspectingly hit in the shoulder with an actual bullet," reports. "The unidentified...

Unidentified (Of Course) Retired NYPD Officer: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

We've heard a lot of debate about Florida's "Docs with GLOCKs" law, prohibiting physicians from asking patients about their firearms. While that law remains stuck in the courts, it's also true that some conversations between...

Javonnie James Tate: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

Criminals gotta criminal. I don't approve, but there it is. The problem with a lot of criminals: they're not the sharpest tools in the box. Drive-by shootings, for example, are a pretty poor way...

Chris Gaither: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day?

I going to take some heat for this, but I reckon 11-year-old Chris Gaither (above) is an irresponsible gun owner. Before I make my case, a quick note to pedants: if you're holding a gun and...

Tyson Beckford: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day?

On Friday night, male model Tyson Beckford Tweeted the above image. "It’s not the first time the 45-year-old Rochester, N.Y. native has shown off his gun enthusiasm," reports. " The former 'Make Me a...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Patricia Anne Crowe

What's a real rasslin' fan 'sposed to do? You pays your money and you wants to see the good guy win, amiright? You can't just sit by and watch your favorite grappler being abused...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Christopher Head

"A father whose daughter found a loaded shotgun in his unlocked bedroom closet and fatally shot her brother was found not guilty of second-degree murder last week," reports. "But Christopher Head, 45, of...

Irresponsible Gun Maker of the Day: Emiliano Fernandez

You know the law. Commit a felony, lose your gun rights. Not that that prohibition seems to stop many determine felons from getting a heater when they decide they want one. Strange how they...

IGOTD: British Officers’ Flare Gun Duel Gone Wrong

It used to be that two gentlemen who found themselves in a heated feud could settle things in a civilized manner with pistols at 20 paces. Man-versus-man on equal ground fighting each other to the...

IGOTD: Unidentified Pittsburgh Mall Cop

An unidentified security guard working at Ross Park Mall in suburban Pittsburgh simultaneously violated all four gun safety rules while loading his firearm at the end of his shift. The guard discharged a round...

Albert Rapovski [Not Shown]: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

I understand why people want to take photographs with a gun. I understand why people want to look at pictures of people holding a gun. (Two words: Liberte Austin.) But I don't understand why...