Poster Child for Negligent Fatal Gun Accidents: Woman Kills Boyfriend With AK

Pick up a loaded AK clone, point it at your boyfriend's face at point blank range while you pin him to the bed. The gun just "went off."  He's dead and the woman is...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Raleigh Man

"During the height of the confusion on Saturday afternoon, witnesses say they saw police detain a man who came to Crabtree Valley Mall with a rifle after the initial call went out," reports. Let's...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Alaska Department of Fish and Game Worker

"Alaska State Troopers say a 43-year-old state Department of Fish and Game worker sustained minor injuries after a coworker’s shotgun unexpectedly discharged while they were out in the field," reports. Nobody expects the...

Irresponsible Gang Banger of the Day: Kentrell Pledger

41 As part of our never-ending search for "fresh meat" for our Armed Intelligentsia, I emailed a member of an anti-gun rights group who commented on TTAG, inviting him to submit a post. I wrote a PS pointing out...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Roger Ailes

The left leaning Vanity Fair has posted an article about Roger Ailes’ departure from Fox News Channel. Mr. Ailes left the news network under a cloud, accused of sexually harassing various female employees. When emptying of Ailes’...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: James White

Not to sound like a rabid anti-dentite, but no one likes to go to the dentist. Especially if he's planning to excavate. If you pack a pistol, though, here's some sound advice from the Clark...

Irresponsible Gun “Owners” of The Day: Daqarion Hunter and Marsavious Frazier

Kalamazoo, Michigan was home for 17-year-olds Marsavious Frazier and Daqarion Hunter, today's Irresponsible Gun "Owners" of The Day. The two upstanding citizens idled their time away Monday evening after dark. A witness said they amused...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Brazilian Policeman [Video NSFW]

28 Don't have a lot of info on this video. In fact, none. One thing I do know: aiming a firearm at your leg at any point is a really dumb thing to do. That...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Tobias Bybee

"Tobias Bybee, 38, of Marathon, was fishing and having drinks with four friends at sunset Thursday when they got into an argument," reports. "Bybee got his rifle, struck one of his friends in...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: MrBrandonannette and Foxy

30 Finger on the trigger? Seriously? Yup, MrBrandonannette is singing the praises of the Makarov pistol while tickling the bangswitch with his ample booger hook. Once again, I'll state it as plainly as I can:...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Evicted Detroit Homeowner [NSFW]

79 I believe the woman's name is Joan Shepherd. In the video above she claims she purchased a house in Detroit for burger flipping money, an assertion that's not without credibility. In some abandoned parts...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: D.C. Park Policeman

So you're a park policeman. They give you a badge, a gun, and hopefully at least a little rudimentary training on things one might encounter in a park. Like critters. One U.S. Park Police officer,...