Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Danny Summerhill

"Momentum Sports Group holds our athletes to the highest standards of ethical conduct and accountability – both on and off the road. Following an internal investigation, we accepted Mr. Summerhill’s resignation from the team,...

Indiana Man Shoots Daughter in the Head During Gun Safety Lesson

My first experience with firearms was a NRA certified instructor who, in order to demonstrate that guns are safe, threw a handgun onto a table at which I and the rest of my Cub...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Episcopal Priest William Adams

"The Florida Highway Patrol said Episcopal priest William Adams was driving a red Chevrolet Corvette when he attempted to brake check a Chevrolet Silverado pickup that he said was closely following his vehicle," reports....

Former Anheuser Busch CEO Augustus Adolphus Busch IV: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

Former Anheuser Busch CEO Augustus Adolphus Busch IV has a private helicopter, and he's not afraid to fly it. At 12:48 p.m. Monday, Augie landed his whirlybird in Swansea, Illinois. Eight hours later someone...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: 33-Year-Old Fatally Shoots Self in the Shorts

Carrying a gun stuffed into your waistband -- sans holster -- is fraught with risks. That goes double for people who don't practice basic gun safety. Along those lines, Darwin has claimed a 33-year-old man...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Chicago-Bound Bus Passenger Shoots Himself in the...

An unidentified Chicago man, riding a Megabus in Madison, Wisconsin, shot himself in the junk early Wednesday morning. The 21-year-old passenger had a loaded pistola stuffed in the waistband of his pants. While adjusting...

Drunken Fight Over Underwear: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

"A deputy responded to a domestic disturbance on Tillman Mill Road in Elkmont at about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday," reports. "Witnesses said Draper, who had been drinking all day, had gotten into an...

Extreme Gun Control Australia: 3-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shot, Killed

Most fatal gun accidents involving young children in the United States involve reckless adult men who, very often, possess the gun illegally. It appears to be the same in Australia, where a three-year-old girl...

Vaginal Concealed Carry Earns Missouri Woman Additional Felony Charge in Illinois

  Deep concealment took on a whole new meaning in McLean County, Illinois on Friday. Police stopped a 20-year-old Missouri woman, Amika Witt (above), for doing 90 on I-55 at 5:00a.m. During the traffic stop,...

Shoot at Hurricane Irma? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

"A Florida man who suggested shooting guns at Hurricane Irma out of 'stress and boredom' has found that his idea has captured peoples' imaginations," reports, "with over 46,000 signing up to join in." That would be...

Edward Burns: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

Whenever I see a Subaru, Prius or other PC automobile plastered with progressive bumper stickers I give it a wide berth. In mental health parlance, the driver has "issues." I reckon it's best to...

Biker Brawl Viral Video Shotgun Guy: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day or Bad...

Check out the video below. It's so ludicrous, stereotypical even, it seems staged. But assuming it's for real, there's no doubt that the overall-clad shotgun-wielder is well out of bounds for bringing out his...