Chicago murder city crime rate trend

Chicago Rings in the New Year With Six Homicides, At Least Three More Critical

In a "hold my beer" moment, violent criminals and gang members in the Windy City made sure nobody would take the title of Murder City™ away from Chicago in 2023. Bad guys banged in...

Chicago: 700+ Homicides 3 Years Running, Some Areas 3 Times More Dangerous Than Deployment...

As the year winds down the Windy City has notched 729 homicides (and counting). 2022 marks the third year in a row for 700+ homicides in the Windy City, and four times so far...
Luis Sajnocho-Ordonez

Karma: Georgia Crook Flees Armed Robbery Attempt Only to be Stopped by Mother Nature

Sometimes Karma catches up with bad people with evil in their hearts. In Gainesville, Georgia, police say Luis Sajbocho-Ordonez waited behind a business early Christmas morning to rob the joint. Instead, when he pulled...

Alleged Armed Robber Shot Dead After Picking Wrong Tow Truck Driver To Rob [VIDEO]

Violent crime continued in Detroit without interruption for the holiday season. An alleged armed robber tried his hand at it on Monday. He apparently contacted an auto salvage company, telling them he wanted them...
Kyle Lobo San Marcos PD ex cop

Drunken Texas Ex-Cop Shot Dead After Yet Another Violence Call At His Residence

An ex cop named Kyle Lobo "voluntarily" resigned from the San Marcos, Texas Police Department in October after "head-butting" his wife and punching and kicking an 11-year-old child. Upon his arrest at the time...
gun-free zone no guns sign mall of america

Five Teens Charged With Murder In Christmas Weekend Shooting At ‘Gun-Free’ Mall of America

  The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota forbids card-carrying good guys -- you know, law-abiding citizens -- from possessing legal self-defense tools there. Criminals, on the other hand, are perfectly free to disregard the...

Armed American Chronicles: Trio Tries Carjacking in Little Rock, Quickly Become A Duo

Three enterprising young men who were aspiring to become successful carjackers chose poorly when identifying a potential victim on Sunday. One of the budding entrepreneurs selected a woman in a Little Rock apartment complex...

Retired Pro Wrestler ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan, Now 68, Takes Down Home Invader With .44...

  What happens when a lunatic decides to break into the home of a former professional wrestler? Even at age 68, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is no pushover. But Duggan took no chances when a man...
Baltimore shooing crime scene police

Soderberg: Politicians Talk About Seizing Illegal Guns, But It Does Nothing to Stop Violent...

Former Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld told me in 2018 that he began to realize that seizing guns was a bit like fighting the drug war. It felt “endless,” he explained. “In Baltimore, at the...

FELONY STUPID: Man Walks Into Dearborn, MI PD, Pulls Gun, Gets Shot Dead

Roughly half of the American population is smarter than average.  And then there's people who missed the smart bus as a kid.  People like the man named Ali Naji who strolled into the Dearborn,...

UNPOSSIBLE: Six Shot Dead, Including Two Cops, In Heavily Gun-Controlled Australia

Australians suffered through a government-mandated gun confiscation in 1996 after the Port Arthur shooting. That nation's leaders pounded their lecterns saying the forced confiscations were necessary to prevent gun homicides including mass murders.  In...

You Don’t Say: Oregon’s LGBT Community Worries Measure 114 Gun Control Will Block Defensive...

  Despite the fact that a judge has put a temporary restraining order on Oregon's Ballot Measure 114, NPR is highlighting an allegedly marginalized group who the "news" agency claims would be disproportionately affected by...