MT Congressman Rehberg Introduces Firearms Freedom on Federal Lands Act
Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg, Utah's Rob Bishop and Georgia's Paul Broun have introduced the Firearms Freedom on Federal Lands Act. The proposed legislation is designed to appeal to their gun-clinging voter base. I mean,...
NRA Dodges the Bullet on Campaign Ad Disclosure
Back in January, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government couldn't limit campaign spending by corporations. Free speech and all that. Democrats worried that corporate money would flood the political marketplace and corrupt democracy. Or...
Scotland Yard Bodyguard Unit Downsizes Guns for Girls
OK, women. (Tough room.) But OMG! Is PC A-OK in the UK, or what? "MEMBERS of Scotland Yard’s elite bodyguard unit are being armed with smaller, lighter 'baby' guns as part of a drive...
Merseyside Police Appeal for Firearms Informants
Handguns are banned in the U.K. And yet they haven't disappeared. Rats! Well, informants. That's what the Merseyside Police want to help them continue their anti-gun jihad. This is their PR appeal on that...
Huffington Post Plumbs New Depth with Gun Photo Montage [Not Shown]
Clearly, TTAG reader and gun blogger Mikeb30200 hasn't perused Zed Nelson's coffee table classic Gun Nation. Otherwise Mikeb wouldn't have been so impressed by the Huffington Post's condescending collection of derisory images entitled Why Is...
Procedural Screw-Up Spikes MA “Gun A Month Club” Bill
The Boston Globe reports that Massachusetts House Bill 4102 ("An Act to Reduce Firearms Violence") died due to a procedural error (a.k.a. a screw-up). "On Tuesday afternoon, the votes were counted: 4 in favor and 4...
TTAG T-Shirt o’ the Day: When Zombies Attack!
Note the use of a pistol grip on the 12 gauge - improves mobility, when you're dealing with multiple targets in an enclosed space. You can find the shirt for yourself, here.
Taser Unleashed on “Manic Moose and Gonzo Grizzlies”
Tasers are pretty good at stopping humans from doing whatever they were doing before they got Tased. Unless of course that something is attempting to metabolize huge amounts of methamphetamine, cocaine, PCP or suchlike....
Georgia Governor Perdue Signs SB308: Your Car is Your Castle
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue vetoed Senate SB291 (re: guns near airports) and signed Senate SB308 into law. The headline attraction for 308: Georgia's gun owners now have the right to carry a weapon in their...
Total Recoil: A Not So Gentle Insult For A Gentlemen’s Gentlemen
100,000 Chicagoans Own Illegal Handguns
TTAG has reported that Chicago residents "inspired" by recent handgun home defense incidents are purchasing an illegal weapon. The Chicago Trib reports that this news isn't. It's odd that two people have to die...
Incendiary Image of the Day: They Say the Neon Lights Are Bright at Broadview
As this advertisement illustrates, an alarm system can stop a home invasion. Here's the problem: can does not mean will. Let's set aside jealous ex-boyfriends for a moment. Burglary is a far greater threat to your safety...