Detroit Cops Arrest Robert Keathley For Bogus CCW Permit. That Wasn’t Bogus.

1 reports that police arrested Motown motorist and car wash owner Robert Keathley for an invalid concealed carry weapons permit (CCW). "I said, you know, I have a CCW, and I have my weapon...

Aaron Titus Opposes “Gun Owners Are Probably Terrorists” Acts

Here's Aaron Titus of The Liberty Coalition opening statement to today's Congressional hearing "Terrorist and guns: the nature of the threat and proposed reforms." The Coalition works with more than 80 organizations from across the political...

Mayor Bloomberg: “Close the Terror Gap”

Mayor Michael Bloomberg---he of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns and their parellel "Close the Gun Show Loophole" strap-line--- is addressing a hearing of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee on “Terrorists and Guns: The Nature...

Responsible Gun Owner of the Day

Farago already posted the news that unhinged, 34 year-old Layla Trawick attacked other Target shoppers with a butcher knife and a steak knife. Fortunately, Clay Grant, Jr., an off-duty L.A. County sheriff's deputy happened...

Oklahomans Will Need a Concealed Carry Permit to Open Carry

7 Someone remind me again why you'd want to carry a firearm in plain view. To publicly (and constantly) declare your Second Amendment rights? As a deterrent to bad guys---who would kill the open carry...

Chinese Knife Attacks Prove Gun Control Doesn’t Work

China’s Ministry of Public Security announced today that police have been given emergency shoot-to-kill authority in response to a series of deadly knife attacks at schools across the country. China has strict gun laws....

Harry J. McCullough III and The Importance of A Proper Concealed Carry Permitting Process

In a recent editorial, I ranted at KETV Omaha's biased report on a Nebraska armed robbery case. An armed citizen, Harry J. McCullough III, shot and killed an armed robber and subdued another with a concealed handgun....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Spud Gun Family

0 I've got nothing against children learning how to shoot guns, whether it's an AR-15 or a plumber's potato special. As it says in our strapline, guns are fun. Kids like fun. Kids like guns....

2.25% of Texans Conceal Carry; Whites Out-Permit Blacks

The Texas Department of Public Safety's Concealed Handgun Licensing Bureau (CHL) has released stats for 2009 permit holders. As Kraftwerk would say, I'm the operator with my pocket calculator. Y'all. Total number of active CHL...

The McCullough Saga Continues: The Hero Speaks.

I gotta tell you, I love this stuff. Covering this story is like peeling the layers off an onion. Only with this story, every layer we peel back reveals more detail, and gets us...

Here’s the Reason the TSA is Adding Full-Body Scans to Airports

Yep. That's right. You can thank those "As Seen on TV" folks for the reason the Transportation Safety Administration is spending gajillions of your tax dollars (okay, $300 Million, but it's still a butt-load...

Editorial: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ideologue or Idiot?

Somebody once asked me, what's the difference was between "insane" and "eccentric." I replied "about $2,000,000." Behavior that would earn you a canvas blazer with wraparound arms and a room with comfy, padded walls...