Next Week is TTAG’s “Take Someone Gay to the Range” Week
TTAG supports the groundbreaking project called SAFE: Share America's Firearms Equally. Through the generosity of the program's sponsors, SAFE dedicates itself to arming America's minorities: Backs, Hispanics, Asians, gays, physically challenged, etc. People who...
Littleton, CO man arrested on Machine Gun, Bomb charges
Once again my erstwhile hometown makes the news, and not in a good way:
DENVER -- It began when a Denver patrol officer stopped a young man who had just left Shotgun Willie's strip club driving...
Supreme Court: Gory Hunting Images A-OK
By a margin of 8-1, the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down 18 U.S.C. 48, a federal law banning "graphic violence against animals." Free speech and all that. Yes, but, at what price freedom?...
Octogenarian Beatrice Turner’s .22 Gits ‘Er Done
No, her name isn't "Annie." (That would just be toooo perfect, now wouldn't it?) But when the goin' got tough, Beatrice Turner got her gun, and got 'er done. And her story can serve...
My, How Times Have Changed. Not.
Santayana said "Those that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it." Wise words. While the video you see above does not directly feature guns, it is as much about guns and...
Pass Act: A (Slightly) Different View.
Christian had some interesting things to say about the PASS ID Act, and brought to my attention some facts I'd not heard of, and offered some perspectives on it that I'd overlooked. We've since traded emails, and with his permission, I'd like to reprint what he has to say here, for your edification:
Pass Act: Gun Grabbing Plot or Patriot’s Tool?
Got another letter from the National Association for Gun Rights. Dudley Brown wrote to tell me that Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) was at it again, trying to sneak through a bill which would be...
Rick Santorum Flirts with Armed Insurrection Rhetoric
America's political left has been getting plenty of mileage out right wing chatter about opposing not-to-say-overthrowing an over-reaching not-to-say Socialist federal government. The administration's defenders linked the protest movement with the Republican and the...
Baltimore Public “Saftey” vs Budget Cuts
That Ashtabula judge is not the only one trying to invoke public safety to keep his budget intact. The Fraternal Order of Police planned to hold a rally last Monday and march on Baltimore...
Arizona Dumps Permit Requirement for Concealed Carry
Starting sometime this summer, Arizona residents will no longer need a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Staring down the barrel of a Republican primary, Governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1108. The bill eliminates concealed...
Hostage Takeaways
Another interesting video from the Krav Maga guys, this one on what to do to disarm your assailant if he comes at you from behind.
What To Do When You’re Assaulted.
I've taken a bunch of self-defense classes. My biggest take-away? Every situation is different. You never know what's gonna happen, and so you try to be prepared, realizing that all your training may not...