Victory for University of Colorado Gun Ban opponents
The Denver Post Online reports that the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled Thursday in favor of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. The group, profiled here by TTAG, argued that 1994 Colorado University (CU)...
If Shooting Turkeys Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Doing It. Right?
To paraphrase my favorite line in any B52's song, WELL IT ISN'T! And remember: we're just talking about the difficulty of actually shooting the bird. Not the difficulty of convincing her indoors that you...
Albany, GA Cops Pull 220 Smith & Wesson 99s From Service
WALB reports that the Albany Police are unhappy about the Smith & Wesson 99s carried by their officers. Very unhappy. So unhappy that they're pulling them from service ASAP and replacing them with Glock...
Pete Eliadis: “It’s Not Time to Arm Students and Teachers”
Pete Eliadis is's Mass Violence Incidents Contributor. Imagine handing that business card to your daughter's prospective private school headmaster. Still, someone's got to tackle the issues raised by spree killings and other large-scale...
USA TODAY Asks: “What Does the 2nd Amendment Mean?”
Well. Sort of. What the Newspaper For Those Who Find People Magazine a Challenging Read asks in their "Quick Question" online is, "Does the Second Amendment give Individuals the right to bear arms.?" I'm...
The Other Side of the New Orleans Gun Confiscation Issue
When the New Orleans Police and Louisiana National Guard disarmed New Orleans citizens at the point of a gun (or a hundred), the news of the event reverberated throughout America's firearm fraternity like the...
Incendiary Image of the Day
Okay, for the record, this came in over my electronic transom via, a website that supports the 912 Project, something Glenn Beck started over a year ago, that's played a seminal role in...
Editorial: Does the 2nd Amendment Go Far Enough?
We should consider passing a law that requires each citizen to own - and be trained in the safe operation of - a firearm.
New Orleans Cops’ Statement Describes Post-Katrina Massacre
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If this matter were to go to trial, the Government would prove beyond a reasonable doubt, through the introduction of competent testimony and ...
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Makes Its Case
The Students for Concealed Carry on Campus's Empty Holster campaign is in its final two days. The protest will end with a metaphorical bang, when gun law writer John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime)...
Game Review – Gunman
Remember LaserTag? Oh, it was all the rage about a dozen years ago or so, at the arcades. You'd suit up in a kind of vest tethered to a "laser" (really just the same...