Early Morning Amarillo, Texas Home Invader Shot Down By Armed Female Victim

Cedric Milligan, 53, didn't finish near the top of his high school class. In fact, he might not have finished high school at all given his lack of common sense in breaking into a...

Hunter Biden: ‘Illegals’ to Blame for Tossing His Gun in a Dumpster Near a...

Like father like son. Joe Biden's made no shortage of overtly racist and bigoted remarks over the his long political career. For most of us, comments like those would get us fired, tossed out...

Body Armor Saves Denver Cop Who Was Shot Three Times During an Unprovoked Ambush...

Body armor saves lives. Yes, it's hot and uncomfortable, but it stops bullets sent in your direction by bad guys. A Denver cop learned that first-hand earlier this month when a lunatic named Nicholas...

Father’s Day Story: North Carolina Man Shoots Attacker to Protect His Daughter

It won't surprise you that most parents have a strong protective instinct when it comes to their kids. Nothing brings out the mama or papa bear instinct like messing with their cubs. On Father's...

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Indicted, Will Likely Plead Guilty To Misdemeanor Tax Offense In...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s son Hunter will plead guilty to federal tax offenses but avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge in a deal with the Justice Department that likely spares him time behind...

Father’s Day/Juneteenth Holiday Weekend So Far: 11 Homicides, 53 More Wounded in Chicago

Father's Day marks the day Americans celebrate their paternal units. In the tourist attraction known as Chicago, it seems as though gang members prefer to celebrate the Father's Day weekend with gunfire directed at...

23 Shot, 1 Killed, No Arrests in Willowbrook, IL Juneteenth Party Shootout

Two hundred plus youths held an impromptu parking lot party in Willowbrook, Illinois this past weekend, ostensibly to celebrate the Juneteenth holiday. It all came to a screeching halt shortly after midnight when a...

Brandon Gets Going: Violent Crime Up 38% in New Chicago Mayor’s First 30 Days

"Let's go Brandon" became a common chant mocking Joe Biden early in his term.  However, it's gaining a whole new meaning in the Windy City. Violent crime under Murder City USA's new and even...

Illinois Man Claims He Shot Himself in the Leg During a Dream About Burglars

NBC News reports on a Lake Barrington, Illinois man (it's not clear whether or not he's ever lived in Florida) who told cops he was dreaming when he fired a shot in his sleep,...

A Home Intruder’s Death Marks First Homicide in Over 20 Years in Centerville, OH

Joseph Gibson, 36, of Dayton, forced his way into a Centerville, Ohio residence at 5 a.m. last Thursday. The residents of the home, a couple with two children, didn't appreciate the violent and tumultuous...

Louisiana Man: Persistent, Grass-Eating Would-Be Burglar Stopped by Home Owner With a Gun

Quitters never win. That's the old saw that a grass-eating, would-be home invader must have lived by. He absorbed multiple rounds before he finally ceased his violent attempt to force entry to a home...

Personal Defense: Forty Miles of Road Rage Ends in a Dead Aggressor

Police in Minnesota ruled the use of deadly force over the weekend against a road-raging idiot was justified self-defense. For 40 miles, William Haire -- age: more than old enough to know better --...