sb tactical stabilizing brace

SB Tactical, FRAC and 25 States Sue ATF to Block ‘The Largest Gun Registration...

From SB Tactical . . . SB Tactical, in conjunction with the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition (FRAC), B&T USA, Rick Cicero, and a massive coalition of states, has filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of...

It’s Beginning to Dawn on Some in Canada That Revolving Door Justice and Gun...

This is the same Shaquane Stewart on a conditional release from Dec. Tossed a gun in a school yard. @TPAca @TPAReid @TPACallanan @TheTorontoSun — Ron Tait (@TPARonTait) February 6, 2023 Just before Christmas, an Ontario...
happy independence day

Horrified That the Bruen Decision Protects Gun Rights, Academics Try Throwing Research Data and...

A judge in Texas is using a recent Supreme Court ruling to allow domestic abusers to keep their guns April M. Zeoli, University of Michigan and Shannon Frattaroli, Johns Hopkins University For a large part of the...

Vladeck: The 5th Circuit’s Rahimi Decision Reveals Two Problems With Bruen

...Rahimi exposes two different problems with Bruen: The first problem is that its command to courts to measure contemporary gun regulations by the yardstick of “historical analogues” yields a profoundly subjective test that will lead principled...

SAF Files Motion to Block Enforcement of Connecticut ‘Assault Weapon’ Designation for ‘Any Other...

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a lawsuit challenging a Connecticut gun control law have filed an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order because...
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Federal District Judge Rules Removing Gun Rights for Using Marijuana is Unconstitutional

US District Judge Patrick Wyrick has just made millions of marijuana users -- particularly those in states where cannabis use has been legalized -- very least those in the Tenth Circuit. The federal...

Brazen Carjacker Tries To Run Over Illinois State Troopers in Crime-Ridden Chicago [VIDEO]

NEWSFLASH: Chicago isn't a safe city. Anyone who isn't turning a blind eye to the obviously deteriorating state there recognizes the dangers of violent crime in Murder City, USA. For those who carry a...
Judge In The Courtroom. Male Judge Striking The Gavel.

Fifth Circuit Panel Rules Ban on Gun Possession While Under a Restraining Order Fails...

A three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the conviction of Zachary Rahimi for possession of a firearm while under a domestic violence restraining order. That, however, was before the Bruen...
gavin newsom trump gun control california

Fresno DA: Gavin Newsom and California Legislators Have Murdered Police Officer’s Blood On Their...

The shooter is an admitted gang member and has been arrested for several felony offenses that were prosecuted by the Fresno County District Attorney's Office for charges related to robbery, weapons, and drugs. In March...
SB Tactical pistol stabilizing brace

Firearms Policy Coalition Sues ATF to Block Pistol Brace Ban

From the FPC . . . Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of litigation challenging the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Final Rulemaking on firearms equipped with stabilizing or pistol braces....
Phil Murphy new jersey smart gun law

Judge Block NJ’s Gun Industry ‘Nuisance Law,’ Says It’s ‘In Direct Conflict With the...

Like New York before it, New Jersey enacted a law enabling lawsuits brought by plaintiffs against gun makers and retailers under the state's consumer protection laws. It's designed to allow victims of "gun violence"...
Sheriff Scott Jenkins

Sheriffs Who See Themselves as Ultimate Defenders of the Constitution are Especially Worried About...

By Mirya Holman, Tulane University and Emily Farris, Texas Christian University A gun control law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois in January 2023 immediately faced opposition from a group key to the law’s...