Alec Balwin Sues Movie Crewmembers to Deflect Blame for Cinematographer’s Shooting Death
From the AP . . .
Saying he wants to clear his name, Alec Baldwin on Friday sued people involved in handling and supplying the loaded gun that he was using when it fired, killing...
Michigan Supreme Court Sends U of M Gun Ban Back to Lower Court for...
Nonetheless, it seems apparent that large, modern university campuses differ from their historical antecedents. Many are involved in urban planning with mixed-use projects that include shops and nonstudent residences.
The University of Michigan itself...
Iowans Overwhelmingly Approve Constitutional Amendment Designating Gun Rights ‘A Fundamental Individual Right’
While the news out of Oregon isn't good, Iowa voters administered a firm slap to the face of gun control organizations in Tuesday's election. By a 2 to 1 margin they voted to safeguard...
GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Gun Control Law Another Defeat
New York's clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective "good moral character"...
‘Retired’ Santa Clara Sheriff Laurie Smith Found Guilty of Concealed Carry Corruption
Before the US Supreme Court's Bruen decision was handed down, we all noticed how it seemed like celebrities and the well-connected had no problems getting a carry license. The little people like you and...
A SAF Win in New York: Judge Issues Injunction Blocking Enforcement of State’s Ban...
Last month, a US District Court judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of New York's newly-enacted ban on carrying firearms in houses of worship. As Judge John Sinatra, Jr. wrote at the...
Good, Bad, and Funny Comments on ‘6 Ways Good Guys Screw Up in Self-Defense...
Last week, I wrote a story on six ways good guys can screw up a self-defense use of force incident. It sparked a lot of rather vigorous comments and a post/link from Law Professor...
Know What To Say — And What Not To Say — When Responding To...
While more and more good guys continue to carry in both shall-issue states as well as constitutional carry states, most folks still don't know the best thing to say while responding officers in the...
6 Ways Good Guys Screw Up in Self-Defense Situations
You have the right to use deadly force when faced with an imminent, credible threat of death or grievous bodily harm. This applies even in anti-gun, anti-self-defense jurisdictions with Soros-funded prosecutors (i.e. Houston, Los...
Massachusetts Gun Club Sues Army Base for Violating Federal Law, Constitutional Rights
By Lee Williams
A small civilian rifle club located just 50 miles northwest of Boston is suing nearby Fort Devens for violating federal law granting them access to military rifle ranges at reasonable rates, as...
Brady Campaign Operatives Register as a Foreign Agent to Help Mexico Sue US Gun...
The NRA-ILA has been keeping readers up to date with an ongoing effort by the Mexican government and domestic gun control supporters to attack the American firearms industry. According to a new report from Politico,...
As the Election Nears and With Bruen Now the Law, Reality Begins to Dawn...
Susan Liebell, a political science professor at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, said that gun control provisions with large amounts of popular support are unlikely to advance in the current political environment.
“The way this...