Buckeye, AZ Homeowner Shoots Backyard Prowler; Risks a Lot For His Lawnmower

Yes, there is an old expression that a man's home is his castle. Then there's the "Castle Doctrine" that allows homeowners wide latitude to use force to defend themselves and their homes against intruders....
Wayne LaPierre

BREAKING: Wayne LaPierre Resigns On Eve of Civil Corruption Trial

Today the National Rifle Association publicly announced that long-time Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre will formally step down from his leadership position at the end of January.  The embattled leader has faced all manner of...

Wayne LaPierre’s NY Corruption Trial Starts Monday, Jan. 8

The public face of the National Rifle Association's leadership, Wayne LaPierre, goes on trial Monday in Manhattan. New York's hyper-political Attorney General Latitia James seeks to remove LaPierre and others, alleging that they violated...

Indiana Road Rage Incident Ends with Lessons We Can All Learn From [VIDEO]

A road range incident in Ft. Wayne, Indiana last fall escalated to shots fired, with the primary aggressor punching out another motorist's driver's side window. As the hot-tempered window puncher wound up to continue...

California Judge: Failing to Use Racist Gun Laws of the Past to Justify Gun...

California courts are known for performing all sorts of legal contortions in order to perpetuate the state's complex and extensive regulation of guns and how they can be owned and carried. In a recent...

Chicago Multiple Felon and ‘Violence Interrupter’ Gets 10 Years After Shooting Himself in the...

The State of Illinois pays millions to Chicago "violence interrupter" programs that supposedly stop violence among gang members before it happens. In reality, it's little more than paying career violent criminals to pretend to...
Illinois gun control Pritzker

With One Week Remaining, 99.4% of Illinois Gun Owners Have Said ‘No Thanks’ To...

The Democrats who run Illinois decided long ago to blame gun owners for the results of the woke, soft-on-crime policies that have led to proliferating crime in the state. Instead of targeting the relatively...
Gavin Newsom

Federal Judge Declares California’s Bruen Response ‘Sensitive Places’ Carry Ban Law Unconstitutional

Yesterday a US District Judge in California left no ambiguity our doubt about his thoughts on California's efforts to limit the right to keep and bear arms by enacting SB2 following the Supreme Court's...
big brother surveillance

SAF Sues California Over Requirement That All Firearm Transactions be Recorded on Video

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation...
ATF National Trace Center

City of Baltimore and Everytown Sue ATF in Effort to Overturn the Tiahrt Amendment

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott is suing the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for data about where guns used in city crimes originate, the latest move from city leaders to address the...
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker

Illinois Governor Takes a Premature Victory Lap After SCOTUS Declines to Block ‘Assault Weapons’...

Last week, the Supreme Court declined to step in and block enforcement of Illinois' "assault weapons" ban and magazine capacity limits while the full case works its way through the courts. This isn't the...

Lawfare: Nuns File Shareholder Lawsuit Against Smith & Wesson Over AR-15 Production

“As Catholic Sisters and women of faith who believe in the sanctity of life, our hearts ache at the exponential rise in gun deaths and mass shootings in our country that have ravaged the...