Bump fire stock ban atf trump

The Trump Administration Has Its Hands Full in Defending the Bump Stock Ban

When the ATF, at the Trump administration's direction, waived is regulatory magic want and announced that bump fire stocks (which they'd previously approved) had magically become machine guns, they created hundreds of thousands of...
illinois gun control fingerprints FOID

Federal Court Rules Connecticut Can’t Suspend Gun Permit Processing During Emergency

A win in Connecticut. A US District Court has issued a preliminary injunction blocking the Governor of Connecticut's executive order allowing the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to suspend taking fingerprints (necessary...
Hawaiian shirt boogaloo bois

California Cops Warning of the ‘Boog Bois’ – This Week in Gun Rights...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r75J7B_HEFA   This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at...

Florida ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Shot Down…For Now

A group called Ban Assault Weapons Now had sponsored a ballot initiative to amend the Florida Constitution that would ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Those...
Brace Built Modern Carbine MC6 AR-15 rifle

BAWN Defeated: Florida Supreme Court Keeps ‘Affirmatively Misleading’ Assault Weapons Ban Off Ballot

By Brendan Farrington, AP The Florida Supreme Court is blocking an assault weapons ban from going to voters in 2022, saying in a Thursday ruling that the ballot summary is deceptive because it doesn't clearly...
dick heller DC v heller scotus decision

Another Monday With No Cert Grants on the 10 2A Cases Before SCOTUS Could...

Ten gun rights-related cases are still awaiting a determination by the Supreme Court. The cases involve everything from “may issue” carry permits to banning “assault weapons” to the interstate sales of handguns. After the...
parkland shooting nikolas cruz

Court Rules Mental Health Provider Not Liable for Parkland Shooter’s Actions

By Curt Anderson, AP A mental health provider cannot be held liable for the actions of a man accused of a 2018 Florida high school massacre, an appeals court ruled Wednesday. Henderson Behavioral Health Inc. treated Nikolas Cruz off...
US Supreme Court Building

WaPo Editorial Board Begs the Supreme Court Not to Take Another Second Amendment Case

Last week -- a holiday week -- the Supreme Court relisted all ten Second Amendment cases that are awaiting cert decisions. As the term winds to a close, the Washington Post's editorial board has...
man scream horror fear

This Week In Gun Rights: Pennsylvania, New York, California, Louisiana, The Second Circuit, the...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BIik9eSiqs   This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at...
Breonna Taylor

Prosecutors Drop Attempted Murder Charges Against Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend

In March, three plainclothes officers of the Louisville Police Department, driving and unmarked car, reportedly burst into an apartment where Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker were sleeping. Believing it to be a...
FGC-9 3D gun

Media and Politicians Push Democrats’ Federal Ghost Gun Ban [VIDEO]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSMQ6wwcyck   This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at...
Maura Healey

Vague and Arbitrary is No Way to Write Laws, But That Hasn’t Stopped Anti-Gun...

Massachusetts' "assault weapons" and "high capacity" magazine ban (Worman v. Healey) is just one of 10 Second Amendment cases the Supreme Court relisted last week. Fingers crossed that we'll be getting some good news...