Firearms Policy Coalition

Firearms Policy Coalition Files for Expedited Appeal of Bump Stock Ban Ruling

Last week and DC District Court judge OK'd President Trump's bump stock ban which arbitrarily re-classifies bump fire stocks as machine guns. Now the Firearms Policy Coalition and their co-plaintiffs have filed for an...
supreme court new york rifle and pistol association v new york city

More Second Amendment Tea Leaves From the Supreme Court

By LKB Reading the tea leaves of what may be going on behind the tightly closed doors of the Supreme Court is always a dicey proposition. However, it's becoming increasingly clear to me that the...

10 Self-Defense Lessons From Illinois’ Version of the George Zimmerman Trial

Thankfully, jury trials in legitimate self-defense cases don't happen very often. Unfortunately, we just had one of those cases here in America's heartland with the Illinois murder trial of James Love. The entire affair...
Charlie Baker Governor Gun Control court order

Massachusetts Gives In, Will Process Some Gun Permits Under Court Order

It's come to this: it's now news when the state of Massachusetts decides to comply with court orders requiring them to reinstate firearms licenses for some applicants. They may be relenting, but they're still...
scalia heller opinion

Fairchild: You Think Gun Rights are Inalienable? Read the Heller Decision

Some wonder why lower courts have openly thumbed their noses at the Heller and McDonald decisions over the last decade. Scalia went out of his way to make clear that “nothing in our opinion should...
New York State Rifle & Pistol v City of New York

The Atlantic: NYSR&PA Supreme Court Case Will ‘Supersize the Second Amendment’

By LKB Hot on the heels of Slate's breathless recognition that the Supreme Court's grant of cert in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case may portend a major change in Second Amendment law, fellow liberal magazine The Altantic has...

Illinois George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin 2.0 Self-Defense Trial Underway

The first degree murder trial of James Love began Tuesday in Galesburg, IL.  Love, a 59-year-old respected local farmer, claims he fired in self-defense.  This, after a drunk, unarmed 19-year-old body-builder named Xavier Hartman...
New York State Rifle & Pistol v City of New York

BREAKING: Supreme Court Grants Cert to NY State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. City...

As we and others have frequently complained, the Supreme Court has been notably reluctant to take Second Amendment cases in recent years. That reluctance has let a number of lower court rulings that directly...
barry michaels us senate gun rights scotus

SCOTUS Declines to Hear Nevada Felon’s Gun Rights Case

Reader John Dingell III writes: The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear Michaels v. Lynch, a class action lawsuit filed by Barry Michaels, a Nevada Democrat who ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate seat...
Second Amendment Foundation condemns media bias

Second Amendment Foundation Files for Supreme Court Review of CA ‘Unsafe Handgun Act’

In the crime-free, gun-controlled utopia of California, guns available for sale to civilians are subject to something called the Unsafe Handgun Act. The law mandates that guns sold there have three features: 1) a...
Firearms Policy Coalition

Firearms Policy Coalition Files Lawsuit Against Acting AG Whitaker Over Bump Stock Ban

When President Trump ordered the ATF to reverse its ruling on bump fire stocks and magically designate them as machine guns (yes, that would be funny if it weren't so arbitrary, ludicrous and dangerous),...
Trump suppressor silencer atf

BREAKING: Firearms Policy Coalition, Others File Lawsuit to Block Trump Bump Stock Ban

Well that didn't take long. H/T to Adam Kraut for the heads up . . . Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, attorneys for an owner of a “bump-stock” device and three...