Judge: Cops, School Had No Duty to Protect Parkland Students
Following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and the revelations of multiple failures on various levels on the part of those in positions of responsibility that day and in...
BREAKING: Supreme Court Grants Cert in Case That Could End Deference to Regulatory Agencies,...
Sometimes, the biggest things the Supreme Court does can fly under the radar of just about everyone but the involved parties (and the law geeks). Today, the Supreme Court granted cert in a...
New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. City of New York Could Be...
Last month, the Supreme Court declined to review a Ninth Circuit ruling that upheld Sacramento's "may issue" concealed carry permitting process. The Ninth Circus had ruled that, that despite Heller and McDonald, there's no right...
A Mental Health Worker’s Perspective on Extreme Risk Protection or ‘Red Flag’ Orders
This article will, no doubt, upset many gun owners because it doesn't immediately come out against so-called extreme risk protection orders and similar laws. The reasons for this are twofold.
First, opinions of new laws...
SAF, Defense Distributed Ask for TRO, Injunction Against N.J. Atty. General
The 3D file issue and the effort to block their distribution by over 20 state attorneys general hasn't gone away just because Cody Wilson is no longer involved. You can still get all the 3D...
Don’t Freak Out Over the SCOTUS Refusal to Hear the California Concealed Carry Case
Many on the pro-gun rights side have been tearing their clothes and singing meet the new boss, same as the old boss, after the news came down yesterday that the Supreme Court, now featuring...
Remington Finalizes Class Action Settlement on Recall of 7.5 Million Rifles
Then Freedom Group-owned Remington announced a recall of their iconic Model 700 and Model Seven rifles back in 2014. The list of covered rifles eventually grew to include other similar rifle models made with the...
Appeals Court Upholds Colorado’s “Large-Capacity” Magazine Ban
"The Colorado Court of Appeals, in a unanimous opinion issued Thursday, upheld the state’s ban on large-capacity ammunition magazines of 15 rounds or more. The lawsuit dates back to the contentious 2013 legislative session in...
What Did the Gun Rights Community Get With the Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation?
Reader Sam I Am writes:
This blog is about guns, but sometimes we need to look elsewhere for hints about what is coming down the pike for guns, gun owners, and gun rights. For that...
SAF, CCRKBA Join In Amicus Brief Challenging Maryland Gun Law
BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have joined in an amicus (friend of the court) brief in a case challenging Maryland’s process...
San Antonio Wants to Limit Gun Stores to ‘Fight Gun Violence’
After their handgun ban was invalidated in the 2010 McDonald decision, the city of Chicago attempted to put up as many roadblocks to legal civilian gun ownership within the city as possible. One of those...
Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court: What’s Next for the Second Amendment?
With Judge Brett Kavanaugh now Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the recent stalemate on Second Amendment cases at the Supreme Court Level will soon be over. Before, there were four solid pro-2A votes (Roberts, Thomas,...