Fake News: 3D Printed Gun Disinformation On Parade

The entire 3D printed guns kerfuffle that was set off when Cody Wilson's Defense Distributed settled a longstanding lawsuit with the US Department of Justice has resulted in a nearly endless procession of news reports...
Nevada universal background checks laxalt court ruling

Nevada Universal Background Check Proponents Lose Case in Court

In 2016, anti-Second Amendment zealot Michael Bloomberg was able to place Question 1 on the ballot in Nevada. The ballot initiative passed and mandated universal background checks in the state, covering even private party...
Maxon Shooters Supply Cook County Ammunition Tax Ruling

Judge Rules Against Challenge to Cook County Gun, Ammunition Taxes

Cook County, Illinois has had a $25 per firearm tax on gun sales since 2013. In 21016, they imposed a tax on ammunition sales, too. Because guns. As our John Boch was quoted at the time, “The...
Kapinski murder trial suit false imprisonment

Kapinski, Acquitted in Self Defense Shooting, Sues for False Imprisonment

On the night of May 26, 2017 at about 11 p.m. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, upwards of a hundred car lovers had congregated in the parking lot of the New Beginnings Church. On Friday...

What to Expect From A Kavanaugh Supreme Court – Part 2

By MarkPA The website Bearing Arms suspects that Trump’s pending Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, might support training or testing requirements to be issued an arms permit. Gun rights advocates will express principled reservations and practical concerns...
Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nomination SCOTUS

What to Expect From A Kavanaugh Supreme Court – Part 1

By MarkPA In “The Death of Gun Control?” Dr. Robert Young wrote: “Now, will develop with the intended purpose of limiting government power rather than ‘living’ through death by a thousand cuts.” But these changes will not...
Sutherland springs shooting

Survivors of Sutherland Springs Shooting Sue Academy Sports + Outdoor

Here we go again. Another lawsuit against a retailer who sold a legal product that was later used in the commission of a crime. As you may know, firearms manufacturers and retailers are shielded...
SIG SAUER P320 modular steyr patent

Steyr Files Lawsuit Against SIG SAUER, Demands Injunction Against P320 for Patent Infringement

SIG SAUER is riding high following the announcement that their P320 handgun has been accepted for service by the U.S. military to replace the aging Beretta M9. Naturally everyone else in the gun manufacturing...

Don Kates, RIP

Long before the Heller case, before More Guns, Less Crime, back when Texas didn't allow concealed carry, there was Don Kates. In 1983, when he was in private practice of law, he published an article titled,...