3 Things a Gun Owner Should NEVER Do

There are a lot of things gun owners should do. Buy the right gun. Practice all aspects of marksmanship. Never talk about Fight Club. But there are some things a gun owner should never...

Worst 3 Euphemisms for Gun Control

Gun control advocates don't call themselves gun control advocates. And for good reason. The word "control" doesn't test well among most Americans; citizens who view government control -- of anything -- as something to be...

Top Three Guns You Need to Own Before You Die

News flash: you're going to die. It's only a matter of time. While some gun guys dream of dying in a pile of hot brass cursing ISIS jihadis or gang bangers, I hope you shuffle...

Housekeeping: The Truth About TTAG “Clickbait”

You may have noticed that TTAG has launched a series of daily "listicles." Some of the more vocal members of our Armed Intelligentsia have a different name for posts like Top 3 Reasons Not to Carry a Revolver and Top...

Top 3 Most Underrated Sub-Compact 9mm Carry Pistols

GLOCK 43, Springfield XD-S, Smith & Wesson M&P9 SHIELD. If you like those 9mm sub-compact guns, buy those 9mm sub-compact guns! Tens of thousands of satisfied consumers do. But they're hardly the only choices. Maybe...