Homeless Man’s Black Market Submachine Guns and Improvised Silencer

The LA times has an article about a homeless man who was found in possession of two submachine guns, two magazines, two pistols and an improvised suppressor. From the picture above it appears the two submachine...

Illegal Homemade Submachine Guns and Silencers Seized, Despite Canadian Gun Laws

As governments increasingly attempt to make guns and gun ownership illegal, the less they succeed in doing so. It does not mean that fewer criminals are armed. Overall crime does not drop when controls...
bump fire stock ban

DC District Court Rulings on Federal Vacancies Act Conveniently Allow for Violating Gun Rights

A notable decision came out of the DC District Court on Sunday. You may wonder what this has to do with guns, but please bear with me. Judge rules Cuccinelli appointment to top immigration post...

Homemade Sub-Machine Guns in Australia

https://youtu.be/FH76VoI_hsw This video is from 2013 is a graphic illustration of the results of what happens when extreme gun restrictions are imposed, as they have been in Australia. When it's prohibitively expensive or nearly impossible...
Stechking automatic pistol

Obscure Object of Desire: The Soviet Stechkin Machine Pistol

Developed in 1949, the Stechkin is a select-fire, straight blowback pistol chambered in 9x18mm that's capable of firing 750 rounds per minute accurately out to a distance of 200 meters. Or so it was...

Army Signs New Contract With FN America for More M249 SAW Machine Guns

The US Army has been talking about replacing the venerable M249 Squad Automatic Weapon -- more affectionately known as the SAW -- for years. But they've continually found that it's awfully hard to replace...

An Amnesty Any Administration Can Implement

In 1968, Lyndon Baines Johnson forced the gun control act of 1968 through a reluctant Congress. The act was not popular, but Johnson's ability to twist arms and bribe Congressmen was legendary. As part...

Review: 1934 National Firearms Act, Original Bill and Hearings

This ebook is the entirety of the National Firearms Act and Hearings, in a digitized 166 pages, from the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, starting on Monday, 16 April, 1934. It's available from...

The Brits Discover ‘Dragon Man’ – The Most Armed Man in America

Our British cousins gaze upon America's vibrant, thriving gun culture with a mix of curiosity, disbelief and horror. While the two nations share the same language (sort of), they don't share much in the...

Former ATF Agent to NRA/Congress: Don’t Blame Bureau for Bump Fire Stocks, We Can’t...

Michael Bouchard (above) is mad as hell at the NRA, or as his letter to Congress calls them "some attempt to cast blame on ATF for not banning devices like the 'bump slide'...
Flying squirrel (courtesy youtube.com)

Homemade MAC 10 Submachine Gun at St. Louis Gun “Buyback”

This homemade MAC 10 Submachine gun clone was turned in at the recent St. Louis "buyback". Of course, you can't buy back firearms that you never owned. Buyback is an Orwellian propaganda term used to...
Walther MPK submachine gun

Obscure Object of Desire: The Walther MPK Submachine Gun

In the summer of 1972 I was five years old. I don’t remember much from that time but I have a fairly good memory of the TV news reports of the Munich Olympic Village...