Mandalay Bay Shooter Shot Semi-Automatic AR-15s Illegally Converted to Full-Auto

"Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock bought more than 30 weapons and had more than a dozen stashed in his hotel room as he carried out the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history," reports....

Looking for a Drool-Worthy M16? Here You Go

// Just for kicks, here are a few pages from the original M16A1 comic book operating manual, too. From our very own NicTaylor00, this is a truly high-quality slow-motion video that demonstrates the power and speed of...

Finland’s Police Force Getting MP-5s to Fight Terrorism

Seems some of Finland's government officials have looked around the EU and noticed an uptick in radical Islamic terrorism. Leaping into action nearly a year and a half after the problem began to manifest...

Adams Arms Full-Auto AR-15 on Fire! – VIDEO

In the video below, Iraqveteran8888 fires a fully-automatic Adam Arms AR-15 until the rifle's handguard catches fire and melts. Why? To see how an entry-level piston system compares to an entry-level direct gas-impingement system. Or...

Kalashnikov ‘Smart Turret’ Brings Skynet One Step Closer

In the video below, Kalashnikov demonstrates a gun turret that uses a “machine learning algorithm” to identify potential targets. "Then, understanding it is a potential target, the neural network can make a decision on how to...

Firearms Concierge: Machine Gun Madness

I was out to lunch recently when I got a call. Not wanting to deal, I sent it to voicemail and listened to the message. The caller was someone I'd met at the...

Kong: Skull Island : What’s Wrong With This Picture?

82 writes: We have talked about realism with regard to firearms in movies before. Most of us still count shots, look for discrepancies, such as an empty 1911 "clicking" when empty or ridiculous effects of...

Is This the SAW Killer? FightLite Pairs Polymer Ammo with Lightweight Automatic Rifle

When it comes to military gear, lighter is generally better. Mobility is the name of the game. FightLite gets it. They're pairing their lightweight automatic rifle with polymer cased ammunition to further relieve the...

Full-Auto Fun With Lone Wolf Distributors in N’Idaho

Over the week of July 4th -- original Brexit! -- I visited the home range in North Idaho. To help celebrate Independence Day, the folks from GLOCK hot-rodder shop Lone Wolf were kind enough to...

The Brits Discover ‘Dragon Man’ – The Most Armed Man in America

Our British cousins gaze upon America's vibrant, thriving gun culture with a mix of curiosity, disbelief and horror. While the two nations share the same language (sort of), they don't share much in the...

IDF Push to Stop Illegal Gun Manufacture on West Bank

In many places around the world where firearms are very difficult to obtain legally, small shops manufacture simple submachine guns for the black market. They are common in Brazil, Israel, the Philippines, and increasingly in...

Robot Machine Gun: Just Thought I’d Leave This Here

16 Well there's something you don't see everyday. But you will see it more in the news, now that the Dallas police shooter's life was successfully ended by a robot fitted with C4. I'm not...