Watch The Gundie Awards Tonight!

The Gundies is effectively The Oscars but for the gun industry, and it has been growing in scope and production value every year. It's a legit awards show and you can watch it tonight! There...

Great Moments in Anti-Gun Advocacy ‘Journalism’ – 2023 Edition

By Lee Williams The Trace, the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s antigun empire, recently published their picks for “The Most Memorable Gun Violence Journalism of 2023.” If there was a Pulitzer Prize...
Fact or Fake news

Bloomberg Goes to Bat for the Gun Violence Archive as it Faces Funding Questions

By Lee Williams Whenever Bloomberg Businessweek writes about firearms or the Second Amendment, it’s forced to disclose to its readers that the publication is owned by a rabid anti-gunner. No one has spent more of their...

OMG! NY Times Discovers That Not All Guns Sold in ‘Buybacks’ are Completely Destroyed!...

If there's any better way to start a new week than bathing in anti-gunners' tears, we're not exactly sure what that would be. So aside from watching the Cowboys utterly dismantle the Eagles last...

Shots Fired at Albany Synagogue, Shooter’s Motive Remains an Impenetrable Mystery

Think of how mentally muddled you need to be to write the tweet above. And it's not just the $25,000 salaried "journalist" who runs the Twitter account. He or she is just parroting...

Historical Analogues: Text, History, and Tradition From a More Civilized Time

As we've seen, when arguing about the text, history and tradition of gun control in America, a lot of the historical carry laws that existed in the 19th century restricted concealed carry, but allowed...

Listen to Jeremy S. on Ava Flanell’s Gun Funny Podcast

If you don't know Ava Flanell or her Gun Funny podcast, you should. She's smart, funny, and has great gun-related guests. Despite that sterling track record, she somehow decided having Jeremy on the podcast...
Concealed Carry

New Yorker Lawyer Says He’s Fighting Against Permitless Carry in Florida to ‘Make Life...

By Lee Williams New York native Christopher McClenic says he founded the Stop Permitless Carry in Florida political action committee four months ago to “make life easier for law enforcement.”  McClenic, a retired Secret Service special...
Sally Buzbee

Washington Post In Full Politicized Vulture Mode With Publication Gory Mass Shooting Pictures

After recent mass shootings, I've seen a particularly unhinged request in comments sections: publish images of the dead. It seemed for months like nobody was going to answer that ugly call, but after warnings...
5.56 NATO ammunition ammo

Jernalizm: The NY Times’ Bumbling Attempt to Blame an Ammo Maker for Mass Shootings

By Lee Williams  The actual shot-callers behind the Biden-Harris administration’s war on guns and the Second Amendment have certainly been creative in the steps they've taken toward achieving their goal of total civilian disarmament.  These unelected...

Breaking NY Times Exclusive News Bulletin: Lake City Army Plant Makes AR-15 Ammo and...

The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, built during World War II, has long been operated for the federal government by private contractors. Over the past decade, a New York Times investigation found, the site...
David Hogg

After Blaming Almost Everyone for Gun Crime, Harvard Man David Hogg Now Goes After…White...

From the NRA-ILA . . . Is there anyone or anything that professional ranter, former progressive pillow company executive, and anti-gun activist David Hogg hasn’t blamed for gun crime? The NRA, predictably, has been pretty much at...