Build your own ghost gun

Inside NBC News’ Inside Look at ‘Ghost Guns’ and the Laws They Broke in...

By Lee Williams Our friends at Ammoland Shooting Sports News have done incredible work exposing the crimes – actual crimes – NBC correspondent Vaughn Hillyard and his crew committed while producing the liberal network’s latest...

NBC Reporter, PA AG Staffers Commit Felonies While Producing ‘Ghost Gun’ Hit Piece on...

Our friends at Ammoland have been on a story swirling around a "journalist" at NBC News and a hit piece the network ran on "ghost guns" and Pennsylvania-based JSD Supply. Step into the Wayback...

Gun Control Orgs and The Media are Apoplectic Over Ohio’s New Constitutional Carry Law

  This is what we get in feckless politicians like DeWine and from state legislators who govern year-round. Their idle minds find ways to make mischief and awaken a political base, and what better way...
Minneapolis Police riot mostly peaceful

Media Silence: Child’s Shooting By Philadelphia Police Isn’t Allowed to Counter the Big Lie

A 12-year-old boy was shot and killed by Philadelphia police nearly two weeks ago. Did this make your nightly news? Did basketball teams boycott their games? Was there performative outrage across the country accompanied by violent riots? Local...

NPR Public Radio in Kansas City: Gun Owners Are Racists

In a shameful piece of race-baiting bigotry, NPR radio in Kansas City touted a study conducted by an associate professor of political science. In it, Professor Don Haider-Markel (he/him/his) completely ignores the racist roots...
J.B. Pritzker coronavirus guns

Chicago’s Palace Guard Media Shields Pritzker From Ken Griffin’s ‘Gun Violence’ Criticism

What happens when you dare to criticize a powerful elected official in a state where the major media outlets agree with the big man in charge? You get savaged by the palace guard, that's...
New York Times Ukraine assault weapon

The New York Times’ Strange New Respect for Citizens Owning and Carrying ‘Assault Weapons’

Volunteer fighters armed with assault rifles patrolled central Kyiv on Friday, ready to defend their country. Follow live updates. — The New York Times (@nytimes) February 26, 2022 Yes, this is the New York Times...
ghost gun 80% arms

FPC to YouTube: Ignore Gun-Grabbing Senators’ Plea to Censor ‘Ghost Gun’ Content

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement in response to the February 14, 2022 letter from Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Christopher Murphy (D-CT), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and...
Bald eagle

‘The Hill’ Opts for a Clickbait Headline Over Science in Lead Ammunition Study Article

By Larry Keane The handwringing over the use of traditional ammunition is reaching a fever pitch. Animal rights groups grabbed on to a recently-published study by The Wildlife Society to again press for conservation policy changes...
Jim Lamon showdown ad mark kelly Arizona

Media, Democrats, Shannon Watts Gin Up Fake Outrage Over Jim Lamon’s ‘Violent’ Arizona Senate...

Arizona has had enough of the DC Gang’s open borders, high gas prices, and shifty politicians pushing us around. @CaptMarkKelly @JoeBiden @TeamPelosi, it’s time for a good old-fashioned showdown. Check out our new Super Bowl...
gun range train shoot pistol woman

Pro Tip: Don’t Take Self-Defense Advice From the L.A. Times

By Larry Keane Californians had a decision to make as they endure a two-year span of increased criminal violence, pushes to throttle law enforcement’s ability to protect communities and prosecutors going soft on criminals. They...

The Media’s Lazy Ignorance About the Guns On Which They Report is Apparently Bottomless

I’ve been reading up on that New York shooting and have seen the claim repeated (in many different publications but almost word-for-word) that the drum magazine gave the shooter “40 EXTRA bullets,” as the Daily...