Your Lucky Day

0 Found this on Vimeo. I like the editing, but there are some XXX images in the background and adult dialogue throughout. Oh yeah, it's violent, too.

Harlem Shootout Shoots Down “Stopping Power”

In his column Illegal Gun Ignites Senseless Bloody Shootout in Harlem, Michael Daly describes a scuffle between Luis Soto and Angel Alvarez wherein Alvarez wrested a revolver from Soto. And then . . ....

CBS’s White Supremacist Fear Mongering

The popular press gravitates to society's extremes like testosterone-crazed boys to professional wrestling. "If it bleeds, it leads." The same need for bleed afflicts sports, science, weather, music and gossip coverage. No surprise there. All...

“With My Rifle by My Side”: Gag Me With A Spoon

I know the phrase "gag me with a spoon" is retro in a big hair androgynous kinda way. But that's the vibe I get from's review of With My Rifle by My Side:...

Harper’s Magazine Writer Ticked-Off at TTAG

Earlier today, I blogged Dan Baum's upcoming article for Harper's Magazine: Happiness is a Worn Gun: My Concealed Weapon and Me. I asked the PR flack for an interview with the author. What we...

Harper’s Magazine Cover Story on Liberal Gun Owners. Go Figure.

It's official: gun ownership is trendy. When a prime exemplar of the liberal press publishes a "Come to Jesus (Armed)" feature, you know it's only a matter of time before every state in the these here...

Palm Pistol Purveyor Pillories Post

Matthew Carmel is the owner/inventor of the Palm Pistol. Earlier today, TTAG updated readers on the pistol's progress. Mr. Carmel was not pleased with our blog post. He fired off an email defending his...

Adopt a Sniper

I don't really understand the impetus behind American Snipers. From what I can glean, older snipers can adopt a younger pup sniper and instill some of the skills. And purchase some equipment...

Bullet Counter Point Shoots Itself in the Foot. Again. Still.

1 I love it when gun control bloggers write about supposed "gun rights extremists." More often than not, they completely miss the fact that the repeated rhetoric seems perfectly sensible to anyone but them. To wit: "In...

New York Times: “There are few reports of elderly gun owners shooting relatives or...

But why let the facts stand in the way of a good story? Yes, despite the writer's admission that there is no statistical evidence to suggest that elderly gun owners are particularly dangerous to...

NRA Essay Contest Winner Unsure About Second Amendment Rights

Arielle Mueller won this year's National Rifle Association's (NRA) Youth Education Summit (just say yes to guns!) essay contest. The Minnesotan high school student gets a free trip to Heller-land (Washington, D.C.) courtesy America's foremost...

“I *lost* the FREE POCKET KNIFE *offer* from the NRA because of my answers...

I love the Domestic Underground. It's one of the few digital arenas where pro-gun rights and pro-gun control commentators square off for intellectual battle.  As you'd expect, topics tend to devolve into pissing matches...