Richard Osborne: “Anyone with a gun just might pull the trigger”
In the same sense that anyone without a gun can't pull a trigger? Well, almost. Writing for Northern Ohio's The Morning Journal, Richard Osborne feels obliged to translate his recent stumble upon experience with...
Field & Stream: We Don’t Tell the Truth About Rifles
I know: it's one thing for Field & Stream to kow-tow to gun manufacturers by sending back defective or just plain awful test rifles. It's another to actually admit it in print. Pixels. Whatever.... Compares and Contrasts Chicago Home Invasions coverage of successful firearm "interventions" is relentless. The blogger never misses an opportunity to chronicle a homeowner who puts the castle doctrine into play. As I've said before, TTAG takes nothing fo' shizzle....
Editorial: Firearms Fearmongering for Fun and Profit
I am not an alarmist. Which is probably why I did not pursue a career in broadcast journalism. Oh, sure, I love a great story, and I'm always sensitive to making things as interesting...
Good Friday Protest at Philladelphia’s Shooter Shop
The Huffington Post never met a gun control article it didn't like. As home for Josh Sugarmann of The Violence Policy Center and Paul Helmke of the The Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence, you'd...
Hutaree Hub-Bub
In the main, the white supremacist anti-government militia folks are not the most powerful bullets in the ammo belt, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying they're not a threat---if only because...
Latest DC Gun Ruling Doesn’t Get a Whole Lott A Love
Anyone remember the book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat? Aside from the title, Neurologist Oliver Sacks' tome was virtually unreadable, suffused as it was with enough medical terminology to pad...
“Jesus Scope” Maker Trijicon Hearts the AR-15
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Trijicon has recently been contacted by many people with concern about an article written by a Jim Darnell entitled "Production of the AR-15 sporting rifles is a big mistake ". We,...
Female Gun Ownership on the Rise. Or not.
Back when bottoms had bells, I worked for CNN. I remember standing behind Camera 3, waiting to pan right two inches (a job destined for automation), hearing the apoplectic News Editor (destined for cremation)...
Sarah Palin Reloaded. Again. Still.
You could say that ex-Alaska governor and current Republican agent provocateur is becoming increasingly bitter and twisted. Or you could say she's developing a penchant for nasty-ass sarcasm. Either way, Palin is pushing back...
The Losers Movie Poster Lacks Shell Casings
I love living in a world where people have enough food, clean water, shelter, security and freedom to be able to occupy their mind with stupid shit. To wit: Robert Fure of's Boiling...
Brownells’ Website Adds Better Build-A-Bear. Uh, AR-15
Brownells bills itself as "The World's Largest Supplier of Firearms Supplies and Gunsmithing Tools." It may not be the catchiest strap-line in the ballistic business, but, like the company's products, it'll git 'er done....