kyle rittenhouse anthony huber

CNN: Anthony Huber Had Nothing but a Skateboard

The latest installment of "what did I just read" comes to us courtesy of CNN. CNN has delivered quite the onslaught of content on what all has gone on in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Now they've...
LeBron James

LeBron James on Guns: Black People Think You’re Hunting Us

The media talked to the Los Angeles Lakers' LeBron James today about the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Because every athlete's opinion on every societal issue must be communicated and broadcast as...

BREAKING: Reporter Uncovers Reason for Historic National Gun-Buying Surge

Mob would not allow me to do my job today when trying to videotape KC Jail in Seattle. I tried to leave but they surrounded my car put items on windows & continued to...
fear horror cartoon

The Media Peddle Misleading ‘Reporting’ to Gin Up Fear Over the Gun Buying Surge

The mainstream media are an adjunct of the gun control industry in America. They're willing stenographers for those whose mission it is to roll back or fully repeal Americans' right to keep and bear...

Full30 Video Platform Announced New Ownership

From Full30 has been fortunate enough to gain new ownership over the past few months, and we thought it was time to release an official statement on the subject for the sake of transparency....
Biden angry second amendment

WaPo Publishes Piece Criticizing Biden’s Gun Control Plan as Punishing Working Class People

The Washington Post criticizing gun control? The year 2020 really does feel like some kind of alternate universe. But yes, the Post published a piece that lambasted Creepy Uncle Joe's plan to price gun...
scott israel

South Florida Sun Sentinel Newspaper Endorses Scott Israel for Broward County Sheriff…No, Really

The South Florida Sun Sentinal newspaper has done a lot of very good reporting over the years detailing the travesty -- the cascading series of failures at all levels -- that was the Parkland...
new york street shooting video

Washington Post: ‘Excess’ Legal Gun Purchases Behind Nationwide Spike in Shootings

Earlier this morning, police officers from the 73rd Precinct responded to a 911 call of a male and female shot in front of 41 New Lots Avenue. When they arrived, they discovered a male...
New York Shooting Video

Media Struggle To Understand Causes Behind Nationwide Surge in Shootings

The media is full of navel-gazing speculation and wonderment these days, trying to put their fingers on the causes of the violence surge that's happened across the country over the last 30 to 45...
yankee marshal mrgunsngear stolen valor

Online Drama: The Yankee Marshal Falsely Accuses Mrgunsngear Of Stolen Valor [VIDEO]

With gun ownership under attack almost constantly, some like myself do our best to avoid the manufactured drama that the online gun community seems to breed. Sometimes that drama takes form as vicious, sometimes...
Richmond armed Black Lives Matter protesters

Lancet’s Diagnosis of Millions of Americans Buying Guns: Fear, Loathing and Racism

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD The latest Lancet Psychiatry editorial mixes several poorly articulated ideas in a swing-and-a-miss effort to impugn American gun owners by suggesting that current gun purchase boom is fueled by cowardice in the face of...
New York Times opinion black gun owners

The New York Times Discovers That Black People Buy Guns for the Same Reasons...

“Guns are dangerous. I never wanted one in my home. But a month ago, I bought a handgun and I learned how to shoot it,” says Kat Traylor. "Right now, I need a gun...