US Constitution gun pistol revolver

NBC Cherry-Picks the Constitution, Accidentally Finds the Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. In response to President Trump asserting that...
Michael Bloomberg gun control

Virginia Gun Owners Shamed Michael Bloomberg at Election Eve Town Hall

Virginia gun owners and their allies have shown the rest of 2A Nation how to engage in ambush political warfare against the tyrannical impulses of Mini-Mike Bloomberg, a man who has pledged his personal...
bigstock feat flags guns

LA Times: Mass Shootings Could Totally Be Stopped With More Gun Laws

From the Bloomberg School of Public Health study that concluded "assault weapon" bans don't actually work to Dr. Garen Wintemute's finding that California's extensive gun control laws have done nothing to curb homicides or...
gun sale store counter

Gun Control Advocacy Masquerading as News, Utah Edition

In a recent article, Deseret News "reporter" Katie McKellar expresses her deep disappointment at the failure of three victim disarmament bills in the Utah legislature. And no, this isn't (intended to be) an opinion...
Michael Bloomberg

When Bloomberg’s Media Arm Uses the Bloomberg School Director for a Quote on Gun...

The author quoted below, writing at Bloomberg Opinion, doesn't mention that Daniel Webster is the Bloomberg professor of American health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Instead, Francis Wilkinson only IDs Webster in...
Austin home invasion shooting

Austin Homeowner Kills Two Home Invaders, Wounds One (When You Cut Through the Narrative)

By Rachel Malone Did you see the news about a recent home invasion and shooting in Austin? Here's the style in which it was reported: There was a shooting at a local apartment. Two people died, still...

Hundreds of Gun Rights Supporters Spoil Bloomberg Campaign’s Arlington, VA Gun Control Rally

By Jeff Hulbert Once upon a time in Virginia, a little emperor named Michael Bloomberg threw a gun control party, but gun rights advocates crashed it...bigly. And what a party it was. Unfortunately, we neglected to...
bloomberg super bowl ad

Michael Bloomberg Will Push Gun Control With a Super Bowl Ad on Sunday [VIDEO]

While Americans will be taking bathroom breaks, reloading on nachos and wings and grabbing another adult beverage on Sunday, authoritarian billionaire and hoplophobic 2020 presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg will be promoting his gun-grabbing bona...
San Francisco Chronicle

Is the San Francisco Chronicle Trying To Dox Gun Owners Again?

The San Francisco Chronicle has hit California county sheriffs with public records requests demanding lists of concealed carry permit holders. Sheriff Barnes of Sutter County not only declined to release the complete information, but...
Pro Gun Rally Virginia

The New Yorker Reminds its Readers that Gun Rights is Ultimately About White Power

It was Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, but there were few references to the icon of nonviolence, who was killed by a sniper. Contrary to the beliefs of many at the gun rally, with...
va capitol gun rights VCDL

Media Portraying Annual VCDL Lobby Day as Violent, Racist Gun Owners Ready to Fight

After almost every high profile shooting, the still-unidentified perpetrator is always reported to be a crazed right wing NRA life member who married his sister and has a stars and bars sticker on his...

Virginia Senate Majority Leader Assaults 1st Amendment Too, Blocks Twitter Gun Control Critics

Meet Dick . . . Virginia Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw introduced Senate Bill 16  (amongst many other gun control bills): You can hear on hot mic (whoops) what Virginia dems think of ”gun nuts” during...