Jack Wilson feat

Following the Texas Church Shooting, Elvia Díaz – Like Most of the Media –...

Gun controllers are scrambling to explain away how a good guy -- several, in fact --with a gun stopped a bad guy, to rationalize more restrictions on good guys. The Arizona Republic's Elvia Díaz...
Gun Sanctuaries Virginia

The Campaign to Demonize Second Amendment Sanctuary Supporters Is Well Under Way

What the left and their media cheerleaders can't control, they would denigrate and demonize. In much the same way as they savaged the Tea Party movement almost a decade ago, the push is now...
Nakatomi Plaza Christmas Party

Gun Grabbers Respond to the Assault on Nakatomi Plaza

The harrowing events of the siege on Los Angeles's Nakatomi Plaza took place 31 years ago. That tragic incident and the heroic response by one off-duty police officer were recounted in a now beloved...
wayne LAPIERRE nra

Wayne LaPierre’s Curious New York Times Interview and What it Probably Means

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre isn't someone who seeks out mainstream media attention. Unless it's following an incident like a mass shooting or pending gun control legislation in Congress...
first amendment censorship free speech

Limits on Free Speech and Other Gun Rights False Equivalencies

If it's not the bogus "let's regulate guns like cars" analogy that anti-gunners love to trot out regularly, it's the almost-as-bad free speech vs. the right to keep and bear arms argument. Let's turn now...
Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren

The New Yorker Reminds Democrat Candidates that Gun Control Really is a Winning Agenda

There doesn't seem to be a chance of any of the candidates running for president among the remaining group going wobbly on issue of gun control. The primary race has mostly seen them crawling...
Supreme Court Gadsden flag scotus

When the Subject is Guns, The New York Times Discovers the Benefits of Judicial...

t would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Of course there’s maneuvering on both sides. That’s the nature of Supreme Court practice these days, and it applies not only to Supreme Court lawyers...
Fact or Fake news

ABC: Still Creating Fake ‘Assault Rifle’ News

Last month, we caught ABC dubiously reporting the use of an "automatic rifle" in a Philadelphia crime. In that case, the police may have made that original claim. (I have a Pennsylvania Right To...
Henry AR-7 survival rifle

New York Post Writer HORRIFIED By an 8-Round Henry .22 Rifle Christmas Ad

The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com. There are few things that terrify a New York-based member of the media more than the idea of normal people out in America doing normal things. Things...
AK-47 guide beginner buying

Chasing the Machine Guns

I try to keep up with the criminal use of machine guns in the United States. To date, I have documented five cases of an actual machine gun that was used in a crime...
saugus high school shooting santa clarita

For Anti-Gunners and the Media, The Problem is Always the Guns

The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com. According to the AP, investigators haven't found the usual note, manifesto, or online screed left by the 16-year-old who opened fire in Saugus High School on Thursday...
national conversation about guns

The New York Times is Conducting the Thoughtful Conversations About Guns We Really Need

The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com. When it's time to have a national conversation about guns, who better to arrange it than...The New York Times? Their stated aim: move the debate about guns...