talking discussion platform reddit, The New Gun-Friendly Alternative to Reddit

Given Big Tech's particular political bent and preferences, deplatforming has become the weapon of choice for these companies and social media sites to use against firearms manufacturers and 2A-supportng organizations and users. If a...

Demanding Moms Claim Responsibility for National Chains’ ‘No Open Carry’ Policies

Shannon Watts never has to work hard to find a sympathetic voice in the media to advance her anti-gun agenda. This time, a story at Fast Company implies that Michael Bloomberg's astroturf group of...
Politico background checks manchin toomey

Gun Tweet of the Day: Clueless Politico Reporting Edition

Is it really too much to ask that reporters covering gun legislation have even a basic understanding of what it would do or how current law works? How can basic mistakes still get published...
Peterson business insider walmart gun sales

BREAKING: Big Box Retailer Applies Gun Sales and Background Check Laws As Required!

No, the fact that a big box retailer -- or any other seller of firearms -- is complying with state and federal regulations governing firearms sales isn't really breaking news. It happens every single...
Southern California Stabbing Deaths knife attack

Another California Mass Murder – Knife Rampage Kills 4, Wounds 2

Another California mass murder. That's two in less than two weeks. The motives in the latest crime appear to be "robbery, hate and homicide," two of the same three motives that drove the Gilroy...
dewey defeats truman

CNN Prematurely Doubts NRA’s Ongoing Political Influence

Do you remember learning about the famous episode of fake news in 1948 when the Chicago Tribune's predecessor prematurely called the 1948 presidential race for Dewey over Truman? Well, today's fake news network has...

STILL DIGGING: ‘Ask Amy’ Advice Column Doubles Down on Anti-Gun Bigotry

"Ask Amy," a syndicated advice column for the dead tree press, gained a degree of infamy among gun owners last month. A father who was distraught over his hard-working, responsible adult daughter's gun ownership...
60 minutes target

60 Minutes ‘Research’ Discovers Bullets Can Cause Damage

By NRA-ILA Last Sunday, the “news” program 60 Minutes ran a story it called “What makes the AR-15 style rifle the weapon of choice for mass shooters?”  The producer of the piece, Ashley Velie, claimed...

Facebook Kills Popular ‘Illinois Gun Owners Together’ Group

Zuck strikes again. On Sunday, Facebook deleted the very popular "Illinois Gun Owners Together - IGOT" private Facebook group. And with the appeal is stretching into the fourth day, it looks like IGOT won't...

’60 Minutes’ on the Mass Shooter’s ‘Weapon of Choice’ … Again

It's summer, when network TV ratings traditionally dip. Add to that the fact that we're heading into a campaign year (the first Democrat presidential debates take place this week), so the producers of CBS's...
dear amy dickinson advice

Advice Columnist Tells Dad to Boot Daughter Out of His Home for Owning a...

By NRA-ILA Amy Dickinson is an advice columnist who, according to the company that syndicates her work, “combines storytelling with advice that is rooted with honesty and trust.” “Ask Amy” appears in newspapers that include The...
Chicago tribune anti-gun

Anti-Gun Media Slant: ‘Man Shot by Concealed Carrier Dies!’

Want to paint a story about a licensed concealed carrier successfully defending himself in the most negative light possible? Easy. Be a big city newspaper editor. They're the ones who write the titles for...