remington smart gun

The New York Times Wants to Turn Remington Into ‘The Most Advanced And Responsible...

The New York Times' Andrew Ross Sorkin, a financial columnist for the old Gray Lady, has noticed that the nation's oldest gun maker is about to emerge from bankruptcy. Remington executed a pre-packaged filing...

‘Media Portrayal of Gun Ownership is Inaccurate and Biased’ – You Don’t Say

That's the title an editor at Fox News slapped on John Lott's latest post, which just may be the biggest understatement in the history of the world ever. But you knew that. As Lott rightly...
safety on yehuda remer white feather press

‘Safety On’ and ‘ABCs of Guns’ Help Parents Introduce Kids to the Safe Use...

One of the best ways to #resist those who would marginalize, stigmatize and ostracize gun owners it to ensure that there are plenty of young enthusiastic shooters in the pipeline. Teaching kids the fun...

Another Prominent NY Anti-Gun Crusader Resigns Amid Sexual Scandal

Who would've thought that gun-grabbers could be such a bunch of sexually violent control freaks? For those of you who missed last night's news cycle, avid gun control advocate and New York Attorney General Eric...

Big Gun Control Can’t Get Even Half a Dozen Protesters To the NRA Convention...

According to the local NBC station, Dallas Police expect "large" protests near this year's NRA Annual Meetings. For days, the media has gleefully reported on all manner of gun control advocates bragging of plans...

Media Gins Up #Faknews ‘Controversy’ Over GA Governor Candidate Shotgun Commercial

As the Washington Examiner advises GOP office-seekers, "Nothing solidifies a candidate’s support for the Second Amendment like packing heat on the campaign trail. But when a Republican candidate for Georgia governor tried this gun...

Chicago Tribune Blames the NRA and President Trump for Waffle House Murders

President Trump and the NRA live rent-free in the heads of many who oppose them. And Trump and the NRA sell newspapers. So it shouldn't surprise anyone that the Chicago Tribune, in an editorial,...

Kyle Kashuv Interrogated By Broward County Deputies After Range Trip

Kyle Kashuv is a Parkland student who, just like Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, was at Douglas High School the day Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 of his classmates. Unlike Gonzalez and Hogg and many...

Viral ‘Dad With Gun’ Prom Photo Sparks Outrage! – Incendiary Image of the Day

Former NFL kicker Jay Feely took a photo with his daughter and her date Saturday night before the two yoots headed off for the prom. Like so many dads before him, he thought it...
YouTube Manual Review

YouTube Surprise: My Suppressed SBR Video is “Suitable for all Advertisers”

Over the last couple of years, it has become increasingly difficult to monetize a gun-related YouTube channel. Then, last month, YouTube further cracked down on gun channels with restrictive new policies. While not everyone...
NRA-Russia Collusion Theory Falls Apart Under Weight of Facts, Laughter

NRA-Russia Collusion Theory Falls Apart Under Weight of Facts, Laughter

Psssst! Have you heard the latest? No? It turns out that Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox are really -- get this -- secret Russian agents! No, really! They conspired with shadowy Putin-connected Russkis to...

Women Post Pics In Support of Brenna Spencer – Send Yours to TTAG

As we noted in the digest Tuesday, Tennessee senior Brenna Spencer created a kerfuffle on Twitter over the weekend when she posted her senior photo. Eschewing the typical Sears Portrait Studio-style headshot, Ms. Spencer...