Americans Buying Guns At Record Pace in March – Thanks David Hogg!

Barack Obama still reigns as the greatest gun salesman in history.  But David "Camera" Hogg wants a shot at that title.  All the talk of gun control provided inspiration for Americans to buy a...

YouTube Bans Firearm Content While Leaving Hundreds of Bomb-Making Videos

Given YouTube's socially conscious stance that has led to the removal of thousands of gun-related videos -- many of which are as innocuous as cleaning demonstrations or depict bump stock enabled rapid fire, you'd...

What’s the Point of Arguing With Anti-Gunners? Question of the Day

Trying to nail down an anti-gunner on the question of confiscation is like trying to wrap your arms around a greased pig. They duck, dodge, weave and squirm so much you simply never get...

Meet the Heads of the #MarchForOurLives Astroturf Gun Control Operation

The pro-gun rights community was surprised by the swiftness of response by the civilian disarmament industrial complex after the Parkland high school massacre. It's fair to say that most Second Amendment supporters were caught...
Donald Trump Jr concealed carry permit.

Donald Trump Jr.’s New Pennsylvania Concealed Carry Permit

As the Brothers Gibb wondered, what's the best way to mend a broken heart? According to the anti-gun chicks at, Donald Trump, Jr., whose wife recently filed for divorce, is dealing with the...
Pyrrhic victory - Johann Peter Krafft Final Charge from the fortress of Szigetvar (courtesy

New York Times Highlights Letters Supporting Second Amendment Repeal

"In an Op-Ed essay on Tuesday, the former Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens called for the repeal of the Second Amendment," recaps. "Readers debated it on social media and in the comments...

See Actors Reading Gun Facts for the First Time On Camera [VIDEO]

"It's interesting to actually take the time and see what the fact say as opposed to what I personally feel." Now there's an idea.
March for Our Live protest

March for Our Lives Pro-Gun Control Media Lovefest. It’s On!

"We expect it to be a very powerful and moving morning," the CNN "reporter" gushes. Yes, well, there's going to be a lot of that today, as the mainstream media focuses on the March...

BREAKING: Reddit Bans Gun and Ammo “Transactions”

91 has been one of the most liberal of social media websites. Liberal in the classic sense: tolerant. Open-minded. Welcoming. The company's now joined the post-Parkland culture War on Guns being waged by corporate...

Military Arms Channel: YouTube Anti-Gun Jihad Kicking Into High Gear

Tim Harmsen of YouTube's Military Arms Channel writes: YouTube has recently began a campaign of directly attacking content creators they do not agree with philosophically or politically. Firearms channels have been one of the...
Columnist Rochelle Riley (courtesy

Can Someone Please Teach Anti-Gun Journalists How to Use Google?

" Kateff said if America did ban the AR15 rifle, the gun used in many school massacres, that wouldn't stop somebody from coming in with a machete, a knife, an explosive — and, she...
ATF reference library

Trump DOJ Wants to Speed Up Sales and Transfers of Machine Guns! Oh, And...

Trump DOJ wants to speed up sales and transfers of machine guns. That's the incendiary headline hovering over an story revealing -- eventually -- that the Department of Justice wants an additional $13.2m in...