Internet Censored Gun Industry Moving to VERO Platform. Wrong Answer?

The anti-free speech and anti-gun social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube have been going on a censorship rampage lately. Firearms-related Youtube channels are being shut down. Here is the message Youtube sent Tim...
Victoria Mejia (courtesy

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Gun Control Teen’s Editorial: Ban “Assault Rifles,” Kill FOPA, Create National...

This generation 'will not be silent ever again' the headline at proclaims. Is that a threat or a promise? Yes! And after much self-righteous victim card-waving petulance, five Florida teenagers -- only one of...
Lawrence O'Donnell (courtesy

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell: Handgun Bullets Too Slow to Stop A Spree Killer

"2,182 miles per hour. That’s how fast the bullets were moving when they came out of that AR-15 at Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School last week," MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell pronounced. "2,182 miles per hour. 3,200 feet per second....

Mockumentary Anti-Gun Agitprop Scam Revealed! Too Late?

Gun guru Rob Pincus writes: Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. has shared his experience with a production company that has been found out to be running a scam on The...
Israeli teacher and students

New York Times “Fact Checking” On Guns Is A Joke

Checking Facts and Falsehoods About Gun Violence and Mental Illness After Parkland Shooting. That's the headline hovering above a New York Times article that is a parody, a mockery of factual analysis. A piece...
John Lott

John Lott’s Anti-Background Check New York Times’ Editorial is a Dangerous Damp Squib

Americans' right to keep and bear arms does not depend on arguments of social utility. Attacking gun control laws on the basis that society would be better off without them is a bad landing...
CBS (courtesy

CBS 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft: My National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Report Was Fair and...

In the video below, CBS interviews its own reporter about yesterday's 60 Minutes report on National Concealed Carry Reciprocity. At 2:47, the interviewer asks Steve Kroft interviewer if he thought his report was fair. "Yeah....
Left to right- Jon Wayne Taylor, Chris Heuss, Jeremy S (courtesy

TTAG’s Jon Wayne Taylor [Left] Highlighted in Daily Beast SHOT Show Coverage

Yada yada yada SHOT Show protester. "For attendees like Jon Wayne Taylor, who describes himself as an 'old school gun nut,' SHOT show isn’t political, it’s about business," reports. "A place for the...
Ad agency Preacher's United Rifle Association anti-gun agitprop (courtesy

TTAG to Ad Age: FOAD

I publish The Truth About Guns, a pro-2A gun blog. If I was the publisher of, say, Ad Age, I wouldn't take a political stance on any issue. If the advertising community created some...

Mainstream Media’s Latest “Chainsaw Bayonet” Fake News

by Lee Williams When the mainstream media screws up a gun-related story, I’ll usually fire off some slings, arrows and snark from afar. This time, however, I had a ringside seat. This strange tale began...

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs Puts Governor Murphy in the Crosshairs....

Remember the liberal outrage when Alaska Governor Sarah Palin used crosshairs on a map to identify electoral races she wanted Republicans to win? The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC )...
Indianapolis evidence room (courtesy

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department: Access to Guns Isn’t the Problem

It's always refreshing to hear the police tell the truth about guns. Especially when the mainstream media is desperate to spread the usual lies and disinformation about the root cause or causes of firearms-related...