Dana-Loesch (courtesy youtube.com)

New York Times Slimes NRA Spokesperson Dana Loesch

Yesterday, The New York Times published a profile of NRA Spokesperson Dana Loesch called The National Rifle Association’s Telegenic Warrior. Subtitled How Dana Loesch, a onetime Democrat, became a Second Amendment spokeswoman too incendiary for some...
Dwayne Dixon of Redneck Revolt (courtesy youtube.com)

Did Gun Wielding “Redneck Revolt” Antifa Demonstrator Cause Charlottesville Car Crash?

In the video below, YouTuber Wild Smile makes a compelling if Alex Jones-like case that "Dwayne Dixon of Redneck Revolt . . . chased James Alex Fields into his Charger, which led to...
negroes and the gun

Martin Luther King Jr., Guns, and a Book Everyone Should Read

Martin Luther King Jr. would have been 89 years old today, were he not assassinated in 1968. On the third Monday in January we observe MLK Jr. Day and celebrate his achievements in advancing...
Charlie Pearce (courtesy awfulannouncing.com)

Esquire: Gun-Owning “Violent Fckwads” Hide In the Heartland

"Meanwhile," Esquire scribe Charles P. Pearce writes, apropo of nothing, "out in the Heartland of Real America, violent fckwads are at play. Allegedly. The Lincoln Journal-Star tells us that some folks on a passenger train got...

Essex UK Police Uncover “Terrifying Stash” of Guns and Explosives

Terrifying stash of guns and explosives found in Essex the headline at metro.co.uk trumpets. Given the fact that we're talking about two manky AKs, a shotgun a handgun of some sort, four microwave-ready explosive parcels and...

Guns! Untraceable Guns! Ghost Guns! The Wall Street Journal Flips Out

The Rise of Untraceable ‘Ghost Guns’ the Wall Street Journal headline proclaims. An emerging black-market gun-making industry lets buyers bypass background checks and gun regulations, authorities say the sub-head adds. Oh no! . . . Americans exercising...
Des Moines police report that there are more guns on the streets than ever before. According to the Des Moines Police Department, guns were the most-used weapon in the city's 25 homicides of 2017. Advertisement Des Moines police Sgt. Paul Parizek said he is worried that the trend could continue in 2018. “We live in a society now where people just shoot people for no reason,” Parizek said. Parizek said the majority of guns used in crimes are stolen. More than 30 guns were taken from gun stores in Urbandale and Clive in November. "For years, if I caught a gang member thug and he had a gun, I could pretty much bet my paycheck that gun was going to be stolen,” Parizek said. In a growing trend, Parizek said police have been confiscating an increasing number of guns that are legally purchased but end up in the wrong hands. “This is something we haven't seen in years prior,” Parizek said. Authorities say legislation could be to blame. In 2010, Iowa became a conceal and carry state. This past July, stand your ground became law and suppressors became legal. Iowans have the right to carry guns, but Parizek said that can create a gray area for authorities. “I don't know what your license is to carry that gun,” Parizek said. “I don't know what your intentions are." In just six months, a Des Moines Police Department special task force has seized 54 weapons. Parizek said getting even one gun off the streets can make a world of difference. “No matter how many times that gun changes hands, you're probably going to change a life eventually,” he said. Parizek said the special task force’s efforts to get guns off the street, combined with the cold weather has kept Des Moines homicide-free for the past two months.

Anatomy of an Anti-Gun Media Hit Piece

This is how a media report intended to "raise the alarm" on guns in the community is done . . . Weapon of choice: Police report more guns on streets than ever before Des Moines...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders shoots shotgun trap

Gun Tweet of the Day: Sarah Sanders Shoots Trap

The Tweeter in Chief is nothing if not expert at trolling the media. And White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is no slouch herself. She's been the target of a barrage of media incoming...
As coyotes move into populated areas, urban hunters get busy

Urban Hunters Kill Invading Coyotes, New York Times Hardest Hit

The New York Times on the growing problem of urban areas being invaded by dangerous wild animals . . . Coyotes Are Colonizing Cities. Step Forward the Urban Hunter. Dennis Murphy sniffed the bobcat urine he...
The Independence Institute's Dave Kopel

The Progressive: Big Media Unquestioningly Parrots the NRA’s Talking Points

How delusional do you have to be to think that the NRA disseminates its message "without being questioned" by The New York Times and Washington Post? . . . Five Years After Sandy Hook,...
The NRA on Mark Hamill's gun (and blaster) control advocacy

The NRA vs. Luke Skywalker: Don’t Bring a Lightsaber to a Gunfight

Shut up and kill some more stormtroopers: The NRA Ridicules Mark Hamill For His Gun Control Beliefs: ‘What If The Galactic Republic Outlawed Lightsabers And Ray Guns?’ During a recent broadcast, (Grant) Stinchfield — who...
Did TFB spike the Honor Guard pistol drop safety story?

Did The Firearm Blog Spike the Honor Guard Drop Safety Story?

Earlier today, we ran a story on drop safety issues with the Honor Guard pistol. Our report revealed that Patrick Roberts of The Firearm Rack made the gun discharge by striking it with a hammer...