Steven Crowder Asks College Students to Change His Mind About Guns [VIDEO]

Cognitive dissonance is a fascinating thing to behold. Steven Crowder's latest project in guerrilla social experimentation was to set up a table on a Texas university campus and ask passers by to change...

Politifact Shocker: Background Checks Don’t Work!

Responding to the Las Vegas spree killing, Democratic Representative Seth Moulton (above) appeared on ABC's This Week last week. In the course of declaring the need to "do something" -- specifically, more gun control --...

TTAG Daily Digest: Narrative Uber Alles, Dems Over-Reaching and the House GOP Favors Regulation

Because we can't let the fact that campus carry wasn't a factor disrupt the narrative . . . Fatal shooting of Texas Tech officer renews debate over 2016 campus carry law despite shooter's age Texas...

Dana Loesch Punches Back Twice As Hard Against SNL Pro-Gun Control Sketch

Apparently determined to replicate the NFL's path of recent success, alleged late night "comedians" have taken on the topic of gun control in the past week (no points for guessing which side they're on). Also...

BREAKING: YouTube Bump Fire Stock Video Producers Face Permanent Ban

YouTube's jihad against videos with bump fire stocks has taken a new turn. The world's second largest internet search engine is busy deleting bump fire stock videos and giving channels with said videos one...

YouTube Begins Deleting Videos Featuring Bump Fire Stocks

Our friends at the Military Arms Channel have discovered that Google-owned YouTube (remember: don't be evil) are memory holing anything to do with bump fire stocks. In case it's too hard to make out from...

YouTube Burying Las Vegas Conspiracy Theory Search Results

YouTube is the America's second most popular search engine, right after Google. Which owns YouTube. We now learn that the "don't be evil" mothership has directed YouTube to manipulate the video channel's search results...

Reader Response to RF’s USA Today Op-Ed on Gun Control

Reader Jerry Spiegler writes... Dear Mr. Farago, I read your essay in USA Today and found much with which I can agree. By way of disclosure I confess ignorance about guns, except they are rather expensive when...

Here It Is: The Dumbest Post-Vegas Spree Killing Pro-Gun Control Editorial…Until the Next One...

Blogging in the aftermath of the Mandalay Bay spree killing is an endless game of whack-a-mole. Or, if you prefer, whack-whacko. Specifically . . . gun control advocates waving the bloody shirt for gun control...

Anti-Gunners Attack NRA’s “Good Guy with a Gun” Defense of Firearms Freedom

After a high-profile shooting, the NRA goes dark. Whether you agree with that PR blackout or not, you've got to hand it to Veep Wayne LaPierre (or his copywriter) for his post-Sandy Hook admonition...

Raw Video of CBS News Interview with TTAG and Underground Tactical

Yesterday, CBS News interviewed me about bump fire and full auto rifles. Click here or make the jump to see their finished report. TTAG commentators have raised concerns about our decision to work with CBS...

VIDEO: TTAG Demonstrates Bumpfire Stocks for CBS

As Dan mentioned, TTAG was asked to assist with a demonstration of Slide Fire Stocks for CBS. The video below aired on national television at 5:45 PM Central time today.