Bruce Willis’s ‘First Kill’: The New York Times Is Not Impressed

First Kill (trailer below) looks like a terrific, if predictable movie. Given the lack of buzz surrounding the film (the trailer only has 384,000 hits) and Mr. Willis restrained performance, it could well be...

Firearms Fake News of the Day: ShotSpotter Edition

"Silencers are regulated for good reason," Linda K. Newell, Board Member of The Gun Violence Prevention Center writes at "They suppress the sound of gunfire, muzzle the flash and make a weapon more...

The Trace: Pro-Police NRA Ad is ‘Divisive’

"The NRA released a divisive new video timed to the one-year anniversary of the Dallas police shootings," The Trace's email blasts announces. "The minute-long spot, entitled 'My Brother,' is narrated by a sister...

GunsDown: Confiscate Guns from Parents! Gun Tweet of the Day

Bearing Arms is bearing-up after the suicide of its founder and editor-in-chief Bob Owens. Jenn Jaques is at the helm, fighting the good fight for gun rights. Ms. Jaques recently took on the above Tweet...

The Brits Discover ‘Dragon Man’ – The Most Armed Man in America

Our British cousins gaze upon America's vibrant, thriving gun culture with a mix of curiosity, disbelief and horror. While the two nations share the same language (sort of), they don't share much in the...

What Bullets Do (And Don’t Do) to Bodies

Dr. Leana Wen, physician and Health Commissioner of Baltimore City, recently wrote an article for the New York Times. What Bullets Do to Bodies explained her experience with the unimaginable horrors of bullet wounds from...

How Can You Tell When an Anti-Gunner Is Lying? They Quote Statistics

Erin Schumaker, a double major in English and Spanish from Union College and holder of a Masters in journalism from Northwestern Universitym has an extensive and varied resume (especially when you consider she was...

Revealed: What D.C. Criminals Are Carrying

Colbert I. King is an "opinion writer" at The Washington Post's. As opposed to? When it comes to the WaPo firearms-related coverage, facts are in short supply. But wait! Mr. King's article The guns that don’t make...

Salon’s Amanda Marcotte: Gun Industry is Responsible for Congressional Baseball Shooter

Lessons of the “baseball shooting”: Gun violence feeds on itself — and even now Republicans won’t listen, the headline at proclaims. And if that wasn't enough to signal a dizzying spin on armed self-defense...

FAKE NEWS: Media Continue to Claim Baseball Shooter Used an ‘Assault Weapon’

We now know that the attacker who opened fire on Republican congressional leaders at a baseball field in Virginia earlier this week used an SKS rifle. That didn't stop plenty of mainstream media outlets from...

.9mm Handguns Breaking Out All Over…JTILTH

.9mm is an extremely small caliber. Smaller than the average pencil tip in fact. But that doesn't seem to stop criminals from stealing and using .9mm handguns. Here's a sample from the mainstream media...

San Francisco Chronicle Pimps Federal Gun Control

“We have tightened our laws but we don’t have closed (states’) borders,” state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco (above) tells the San Francisco Chronicle. “Until Congress acts and addresses what is a national issue...