Former Secret Service Agent Tells NBC Semi-Automatic Rifles Are Machine Guns [VIDEO]

That right there is telegenic Former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras. In the video clip (not magazine) below, NBC's "gun expert" tells the clueless anchors that the semi-automatic rifle wielded by Congressional baseball shooter James Hodgkinson...

Panteao Productions: Cut Pat MacNamara Slack on UBCs, Waiting Periods

Since TTAG highlighted gung-ho gun guy Pat MacNamara's Comedy Central declaration that he supports Universal Background Checks and mandatory waiting periods for firearms purchases (click on image to see segment), the gunblogosphere has been up...

Firearms Reciprocity Protects Civil Rights: A Response to Robert VerBruggen

Is it right that sixteen million Americans with firearms licenses are effectively barred from traveling freely between the states? Should innocent citizens like Shaneen Allen languish in a New Jersey jail cell for daring to exercise a right purportedly...

Facebook: Gun Ownership Is An Inherent Threat

Above are the recently leaked guidelines for Facebook censors regarding images of guns posted on Facebook. These are the guidelines listed under "threat." Notice the category "Expressing desire to purchase" from "no intent stated." The mandate:...

Amanda Marcotte: Anti-Gun Docs On Parade

Who could possibly imagine a bunch of tightly specialized professionals being taken seriously when “speaking out” on a subject about which they have little or no knowledge? Yet that's exactly what Salon writer Amanda Marcotte...

Join TTAG Today at NRA Annual Meetings TGC Q&A Panel. Prizes, Swag, and More!

Come join us today in Atlanta at the NRA Annual Meetings for an awesome Q&A panel with some of the web's best firearms content creators (plus me). The first 350 people will nab a...

Mediaite Slams The Blaze Gun Giveaway (Fake News!)

29 is as anti-gun rights as any mainstream media outlet. Actually, more. As evidenced by their headline In Other News, TheBlaze is Now Seemingly Handing Out Free Guns. True story. The Blaze is running a gun giveaway...

New York Times’ Francis X. Clines vs. NRA’s Dana Loesch: It’s on!

30 The video above is NRA Commentator Dana Loesch's second video attacking The New York Times, in no uncertain terms. (Click here to watch her opening salvo.) Like most NRA TV videos, Loesch's lashing out at The Gray...

Washington Post Posts Fake News on Guns. Again. Still.

There are three major news sources that constantly publish "fake news" on guns and gun control: The Huffington Post, The New York Times and The Washington Post. These "news" sources have an entirely reliable record of...

Join TTAG At The Gun Collective’s Q&A Panel at NRA Annual Meetings. Prizes, Swag,...

Come join us in Atlanta at the NRA Annual Meetings for an awesome Q&A panel with some of the web's best firearms content creators (plus me). The first 350 people will nab a big...

American Assassin: What’s Wrong with This Picture?

From the trailer (below), this fall's 'American Assassin' looks to be chock-a-block with loads of yummy gun-shootin' terrorist-killin' action goodness. But even if you buy into a bad-ass Michael Keaton (remember Batman?) wouldn't you...

Motherboard’s ‘Mandatory Carry’ Fail – Contest Entry

(This post is an entry in our spring content contest. If you’d like a chance to win a Beretta APX pistol, click here for details.)  By Bobiojimbo has published several pro-gun control articles as part of their recent Smarter...