Eric Trump Wants to Trade His Remington 40X for a Ruger Precision or Accuracy...

Pro-gun rights voters take heart from the fact that Donald Trump's son Eric loves him some firearms. Gun control advocates hate anything Trump in general, and Eric's pro-gun stance in specific. So when's Yashar...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: New York Times Publishes Militia Hit Piece Targeting Trump

Despite definitive Supreme Court rulings, historical evidence and simple common sense, gun control advocates continue to maintain that the Second Amendment's prefatory or militia clause means there's no such thing as an individual right to keep...

CNN Anchor Brooke Baldwin In the Tank For Gun Control

33 The mainstream media give huge, not-to-say undue amounts of airtime to bereaved survivors of "gun violence" who promote civilian disarmament. Not just because the vast majority of liberal workers lean way left. Not just...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: NRA Fisks Slanted PolitiFact Campaign Ad ‘Fact-Check’

We've hardly been alone in noting that so-called fact-checking organizations the media loves to cite are usually just thinly veiled political operations with an axe to grind. PolitiFact is a prime example of the...

WIRED Claims America Has a ‘Gun Problem,’ But Forgets to Check Their Bias At...

35 WIRED ran an article over the weekend which tried to make the argument that America has a gun problem. And something must be done. istsor the children. Or something. The problem is that they debunked their...

New York Magazine: NRA Ad Targets “Extremely Gullible Millennials”

76 I'm blogging from Bergstrom airport, deep in the heart in Texas. I'm about to fly to a city where "intellectuals" feel free to deride and denigrate the story of a woman's armed self-defense against a...

New NRA Ad Makes Push for Women and Millennials

POLITICO reports that the NRA has launched a $6.5 million ad buy to support Donald Trump's campaign, and its centerpiece ad features a 26-year old woman named Kristi McMains, whose defensive gun use against...

Buy Guns on New Facebook Marketplace App! Or Not . . .

"On Monday morning, Facebook introduced Marketplace, a new section on its mobile app that allowed its users to buy and sell with their friends and strangers," reports. "By the evening, the social giant was apologizing for...

Three WaPo Paragraphs on Gun Control Prove Problematic

When a mainstream media news org wants to hide its editorial bias while promoting same, ye olde "letters to the editor" is a blessing. The Washington Post, for example, can publish a rant laden with anti-gun animus claiming "it wazzunt me!" Even though,...

Review: Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage

I met Chris Bird at a Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC). We were sitting next to each other in the front row. We'd both interviewed Vic Stacy, the hero who made hits at 57...

Here’s How the Associated Press Frames the “Gun Debate”

The Associated Press has a well-deserved rep for being anti-gun rights, spreading their disdain to the news orgs who republish its work throughout the United States (e.g., ABC). In the run-up to the presidential...

BREAKING: NRA Cuts Ties to Clinton Supporter and Gun Writer Jorge Amselle

Jorge Amselle (above right) has the right to vote for whomever he wishes. But when he starts touting his support to others for Hillary Clinton for President - and using his influence to effectively...