Gays Against Guns Get Disproportionate Publicity

Grassroots group Gays Against Guns holds demonstration in Westwood. That's the headline at Let's have a quick look at how the anti-gun news org defines "grassroots." With sheer white cloths covering their faces, holding up...

TTAG Gun Hero of the Day: Gold Medal Olympian Kim Rhode

When Olympic athletes speak out in favor of "progressive" causes, they make front page news in the United States. But when a multiple gold medal winner at multiple Olympics speaks in favor of the...

Libertarian VP Pick Weld: Rifles are “Weapons of Mass Destruction”

128 Revolt TV interviewed former U.S. Attorney, former Massachusetts governor and current Libertarian vice presidential candidate William Weld. Chief Political Correspondent Amrit Singh asked Weld about his views on guns. Specifically, whether or not people on the government's...

ATF Acting Director Brandon Campaigning for Gun Registry

Last Sunday, Deputy Director Thomas E. Brandon appeared on CBS' Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood. Mr. Brandon was the ATF official who oversaw the discipline or, more accurately, the complete lack of accountability for the ATF's extra-legal...

Massachusetts AG Healy Attacks First and Second Amendments

  Last week, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healy unilaterally issued a diktat banning the sale of certain semi-automatic rifles. Firearms that have been sold legally in Massachusetts for the last 18 years. She claims that she...

Boston Globe’s Clever Smear Job on Gun Rights Advocates

Back in the day, TTAG expanded its anti-flaming policy to beyond-the-pale comments about public personalities. We continue to delete violent, sexist, racist, homophobic and other types of nasty slurs against people arguing for civilian...

CBS Goes All-In For Gun Control. Again. Still.

"Of all the artifacts that were aboard the good ship Mayflower, not a single gun is known to have survived," CBS News "reports." in their article/TV package. "But historians believe they were probably there,...

Are You European and Want a Gun? Be Swiss!

The Swiss have always had a lot of guns and significant freedom. As Machiavelli noted in "The Prince" in 1517: “Moreover, a Republic trusting to her own forces, is with greater difficulty than one which...

The Associated Press is Not A Friend of Ours, Even When They Try to...

The Associated Press' story Why couples, women and the elderly are purchasing guns is a perfect example of the news org's anti-gun bias. While the majority of the article is perfectly serviceable -- offering vignettes of "unexpected"...

AP’s Misleading Headline: “Man who shot sleeping intruder . . . “

The above headline must be one of the most misleading that I've seen. It comes from the Associated Press, aided and abbetted by the AP leading sentence. From the BEND, Ore. (AP) - The man...

Facebook Censors Women’s Hunting Video….Because Guns

Living in California and writing for TTAG has given me the opportunity to meet and get to know Ms. Callie Wolverton, the PR manager for Girls With Guns. Callie's new endeavor is a show called Universal...

Doublespeak: Columnist Claims Protecting the Second Amendment Diminishes the First

Writing for the Tampa Bay Times, columnist John Romana claims that a law to protect the Second Amendment diminishes the First Amendment. The statute in question, passed by the Florida legislature in 2011, makes it illegal...