The Trace Waves the Bloody Shirt Over Jamie Gilt’s Negligence

"To regard Gilt’s shooting as a black comedy of just deserts would be a mistake," The Trace opines. Subtle, eh? To earn Google's approval as a listed news provider (a financially valuable honor denied TTAG), the...

Lauren Pratte’s Picture Triggers Anti-Gun Agita

"I read with disappointment the March 5 Metro article “Fight over Arlington gun store escalates,” psychiatrist Liza H. Gold admits in a letter of the editor. "The Post reproduced Dennis R. Pratte’s photograph of his 16-year-old daughter,...

Nuns with Guns?

30 As the video above proves, nuns with guns isn't a new idea. Sure, the Pope declared that Christians can't trust gun manufacturers. But the entertainment industry has been arming nuns for some time. So Seth Kaufman's new...

“Brazen” Gun Store Robberies on the Rise

32 "While the number of guns reported stolen or lost has decreased, Elders says he's seeing more of these types of bold burglaries," CBS reports. Citation? Three examples caught on video. And...that's it. So...

TTAG On the Air: RF Talks TTAG’s Comments on 2A Today

Podcast producer and TTAG comment section denizen YaDaddy runs the popular 2A Today podcast. He recently wrangled our maximum leader into an hour of gabbing about firearms, gun rights and the brilliance of TTAG's Armed...

Question of the Day: Are Kids With Guns in the Home Safer Than Kids...

63 The video above shows a "gun safety" experiment with eight children. Two of the eight are from homes with legal firearms; children who've been familiarized with guns and taught not to play with them. Six are not. While...

Keanu Reeves, 3-Gunner

58 Did he hone his run-and-gun skills while filming The Matrix? Dunno, not that it really matters. As I've heard someone say, culture eats strategy for lunch. Seeing celebrities safely (not to mention deftly) handling firearms...

MSNBC News Live From a Nevada Gun Range! I SAID . . .

40 MSNBC reporter Harry Sanders decided to highlight the whole Second Amendment thing re: the Trump campaign from a gun range in Nevada. It's hard to believe that the local producer, reporter, network producer and everyone...

Hypocrisy Alert: Mark Zuckerberg Has 16 Armed Bodyguards

According to a variety of press reports, Facebook's founder and CEO is worried about threats from "unstable website users." Gee, wonder why. In response, he's now protected by a phalanx of 16 armed guards...

Marie Claire : Women Evenly Split on Gun Control

Marie Claire magazine has joined the War on Men With Guns launched/coordinated by Cosmopolitan magazine (and sponsored by Michael Bloomberg). Teaming up with the Harvard Injury Control Research Center -- home of the notorious anti-gun researcher David Hemenway --...

Washington Post: D.C. “Drowning in a Flood of Guns”

The Washington Post continues its campaign to degrade and destroy Americans' natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. This time, they've published a disarmament dietribe by Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Colbert I. King. Mr....

Mike “The Gun Guy” At New York Times: Gun Owners Like Guns Because Guns

In a recent New York Times editorial -- Some Inconvenient Gun Facts for Liberals -- columnist Nicholas Kristof says a number of things that would make pro-gun rights folks fairly happy. For example, "liberals often inadvertently...