ABC’s War on Gun Rights Continues

53 Correlation does not equal causation. Unless you're ABC News. In that case, sure it does! Because God knows there are plenty of people ready, willing and able to tell the camera that "lax gun...

President Obama Still Doesn’t Get It: It’s Culture That Stops Gun Violence

(This article originally appeared at Bold and is reprinted here with permission.) By Rebecca Bond On Tuesday, President Obama held his much-anticipated press conference on “Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence.”  The country awaited the draconian or...

What’s Missing from This List of Self-Defense Tips for Women?

41 "Self defense experts C.M. Griffin and Cheryl stopped the studio this morning to teach women's self defense!" announces in the breathless bubble-headed bleach blond style so popular amongst caffeinating TV viewers. As part of...

Question of the Day: Are You Going to Watch Obama’s “Guns In America” CNN...

CNN has been hyping their "Guns in America" town hall special - scheduled for 8pm EST tonight - like a time share salesman at a retirement party. And why not? CNN has been chasing Fox's...

Incendiary Image of the Day: NY Daily News Goes Full Retard for Gun Control

Yes, I'm aware that's a terribly politically incorrect term, but it's hard to come up with something that better describes what you see above. If anyone had any illusions that the New York Daily...

The 2016 Journalist’s Guide to Gun Violence Coverage

  By Dr. Michael S. Brown Guns are an unfortunate fact of life in American culture and are a major topic in modern journalism. As a journalist, you have a duty to get involved and make...

BREAKING: YouTube Shuts Down Hickok45’s Channel for Cross-Posting on Google+

From Hickok45's Facebook page: Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess. I...

Mainstream Media’s Headlines on President Obama’s Gun Control Executive Actions – Before His Official...

Obama Acts to Curb Gun Violence - Obama Seeks to Curb Gun Violence Through Executive Actions - President Obama to Take Gun Control Push to the Public - This is how you beat Ted...

New York Times War on Guns Continues

TTAG reader JT clocked the New York Times article Two Ways of Dealing With Guns and writes: I know you probably are on top of this, but the NYT is simply beside itself at Texas' new open...

OMG! Assault Rifles! People Shooting Assault Rifles! OMG!

TTAG reader AM clocked The New York Times article Where Support for Assault Rifles Is All in ‘Good, Clean Fun’ and read between the lines: Mr. Pereira, 45, is a regular at the target range here...

This Just In: North Korea Hates the Second Amendment

Kim Jong Un, the despot of the ironically-named Democratic People's Republic of Korea, has something in common with Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, and Shannon Watts. No, not a predilection for narcissism and egomania, but rather...

The NRA Should Focus on Guns – Period

153 I like Dana Loesch. I think she's a patriotic American who wants what's best for this country. I like her taste in firearms, and respect her willingness to train to defend herself and her...