The Washington Post Publishes The Most Misleading Anti-Gun Headline in the History of the...

39 Here it is, the headline posted by the Washington Post BEFORE they amended it: Jerry Falwell Jr.: ‘If more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims. And here's what Falwell said: “I’ve always thought that...

New York Times Declares War On America’s Gun Owners

No one who's been paying attention will be surprised to learn that the editorial board of the New York Times is calling for confiscation of "weapons of war," guns that are "barely modified and deliberately marketed...

TTAG Publisher’s USA Today Op-Ed: ‘Gun control is not the answer’

The following editorial appears at and in their dead tree edition. It was written "in response" to the editors' pro-gun control editorial which they didn't show me before I wrote mine (as is their standard...

A Black Woman Walks Into A Gun Show . . .

No, it's not a joke. Actually, it kinda is. BuzzFeed Contributor Kashana Cauley's article is a pathetic attempt to paint Indiana gun show attendees as old fat white racist rednecks. As you know, the first part of...

NC’s WRAL: “Legal way to get NFA weapons without ATF scrutiny”

TTAG reader BM writes, based on WRAL teaser copy for upcoming report : In teaser ads and promos for an upcoming Monday "investigation," WRAL news of Raleigh makes the false claim that NFA items can be obtained "Without...

The Trace Discovers Bumpfire Stocks are Legal, Panic Ensues

The Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control propaganda organization The Trace seems to have once again proven that their raison d'etre is not (as their writers have claimed) to provide fair and accurate reporting on guns and...

OMG! A Little Boy! Holding a Gun! OMG!

"Love it or hate it, little kids go on hunting trips, and the thing about hunting trips is that there's usually a gun or two involved in the process. There's a world of difference...

NBC and NYPD Mis-ID Intratec Model AB-10 and Calico Model M-9 as “Submachine Guns”

"A man stopped for public drinking on Staten Island had two submachine guns on him, police said." That's the 411 (911?) from "When the officers opened the bag, police say they found an Intratec Model...

San Antonio Express-News Editorializes Against Campus Carry Law – Without Reading It

After the $hit$torm of criticism that befell CNBC following their tendentious, poorly researched handling of this week's GOP debate, you might think that other mainstream media outlets would be watching their journalistic P's and...

Who Cares Where They Got the Gun: McDonald’s Edition [VIDEO]

41 Strangely, the video above is titled McDonald's shooter purchased gun legally in Maine. Odd because the report makes no mention of this fact. I reckon the news hounds at WMTW-TV got the information after the report aired...

Question of the Day: Are Gun Dealers “Uniquely Shielded” From Federal Oversight?

There's a civilian disarmament complex JournoList. How else do you explain the New York Times article on Governor Cuomo joining the Brady Campaign for Prevent Gun Violence's upcoming crusade against "bad apple" gun dealers coming...

OMG! College Students! With Guns! OMG!

Business Insider's Julie Bort's got her knickers in a twist about college students showing off their guns on the Yeti - Campus Stories app. She starts her article College students are using this app to show...