Brady Campaign: CNBC Sucks!

If you watched last night's Republican debate broadcast from the notorious conservative stronghold of Boulder, Colorado, you know that it didn't go well at all. For CNBC. The Democrat operatives with bylines moderators took...

Blood Porn at The Trace and The Washington Post

Tim Wheeler at Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership writes: As public opinion and consequently firearm policy have steadily tended toward affirming the Second Amendment, gun prohibitionists have reacted by becoming frantic.  They now push the...

Salon: Shoot “Gutless NRA Cowards”

I bet D. Watkins thinks he's clever. And Salon thinks it's righteous. But there's nothing clever or righteous about Mr. Watkins' post Want a gun? Take a bullet: Take this, gutless NRA cowards — you can...

CNN Shills for Everytown

As a mobster might say, CNN is not a friend of ours. But even by CNN standards, the post THE OTHER GUN LOBBY is beyond the pale. It's a press release/ad for anti-ballistic billionaire bully...

Another Journo Labels the NRA A Terrorist Organization

When prowling the web for gun stories or clicking on links from TTAG tipsters, I don't always know the physical location of a relevant website. The East Valley Tribune could hail from a hundred places. When...

Remember, Only Bad People Need Guns

Most people in society are visual learners. A picture is literally worth a thousand words for conveying an idea to those whose primary way of gaining information is visual. The above cartoon is an...

Washington Post: What the Liberals Don’t Want to Admit About Gun Control-This is...

We've already remarked on the post-Umpqua surge of anti-gun agitprop. So far it's been a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing, legislatively and electorally speaking. You might even say it's a sign of increasing...

“Navy SEAL” Cited in Anti-NRA, Anti-Concealed Carry Stories Guilty of Stolen Valor

We recently highlighted two stories claiming that concealed carry is a dangerous delusion:'s Tactical Experts Destroy the NRA’s Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy and's Combat veterans shoot down NRA ‘fantasy world’ of ‘good guys with guns’. Both...

Conservative Roseburg, OR Defending Gun Rights, Tooling-Up After Mass Shooting. Stay in DC Mr....

A little known, little discussed fact: the Umpqua Community College mass shooting happened in a deeply conservative community. One that supports its citizens' natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms....

PEOPLE Magazine is Anti-Gun?

Yup, PEOPLE magazine, the precursor to the photo-heavy celebrity mags that stole its readership, has come out of the anti-gun closet. PEOPLE's Call to Action on Gun Violence: Here’s How to Contact All 535 Members... Owner Admits Site is Pure Propaganda

A few days ago I posted a story about the website, which uses incidents involving minor injuries from airsoft pellet guns to pad their "mass shooting" statistics. One of our eagle-eyed readers noticed...

Obama Administration: Hillary’s Gun Control Proposals Won’t Work

A few days ago, Nick chronicled the various gun control proposals that Hillary Clinton released as part of her presidential campaign, explaining very thoroughly why whoever ghost-wrote these proposals needed to extract their heads from...