Vox’s Dara Lind Almost Made a Really Good Point About Gun Control and Trump…Almost

On Friday, Dara Lind (Vox job description: "Jetpack Comandante") wrote on Donald Trump's recent interview with MSNBC's Morning Joe in which he said this about the attack on Umpqua Community College last Thursday: "...oftentimes...

Shocker: Mother Jones Admits Gun Control Not Popular in America

Mother Jones is no friend of the right to keep and bear arms. This is exemplified by their willingness to embrace studies that twist data to endorse a favored political solution, and their investigative series...

Dilbert’s Dad is Pro-Gun (Because It Feels Right)

Scott Adams is the man behind (or next to) Dilbert, the socially awkward engineer chronicled in the comic strip of the same name. Last week, in a blog post, Adams declared his supports legal gun ownership. The cartoonist empathized with the...

Rolling Stone Doesn’t Pitch a Hissy Fit About Armed Self-Defense. This Time . ....

Rolling Stone isn't exactly a friend to civil liberties. Whether it's running a hagiography of billionaire plutocrat Mike Bloomberg's offensive against the rights to keep and bear arms, publishing pure invective against civil rights activists, or...

Salon.com Defends Pedophiles, Attacks Gun Owners

Salon.com came out with some gobsmackingly nauseating web content on Monday, the likes of which haven't been seen since Toronto politician Rob Ford's last drunken stupor . . . First, Salon.com staff writer Simon Maloy wrote...

Facebook Bans TTAG For Posting ISIS Toddler Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PHT1WT9o2Q&feature=youtu.be If Facebook didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any at all. Post some mildly suggestive pics of a rowing club trying to raise some cash to fight cancer? Verboten! But if your name...

Is FIREClean Really Just Crisco? And Did Larry Vickers Fudge a Test?

There's a bit of hoopla going around at the moment based on some test results that were posted. They sent a sample of the popular FIREClean firearm lubricant off to be tested in a...

How the Washington Post Social Media Team Lies About Armed Self-Defense

By Mike Morrison Thursday the Washington Post sent the above message out on their Facebook Page. Awful right? Yet another tragic case of gun violence running rampant, right? Nope. But don’t let me tell you that, let’s go...


TTAG's #WhateverItTakes campaign was something of a success, internet-wise. After posting pro-gun pics riffing on Everytown for Gun Safety's #WhateverItTakes anti-gun agitprop, we leveraged our Google ranking to knock the antis' efforts below TTAG's...

NRA’s New Ad Campaign Hits Hard, Sparks Gun Grabber Protests [VIDEO]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqhyWd0ZqNs&feature=youtu.be By Steven Crowder via louderwithcrowder.com There’s epic. And then there’s epic. The NRA just released an ad (part of a new campaign) featuring our good friend Dana Loesch, and it’s as epic as epic gets. Check out the...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Kenneth Cole Edition

Gun control advocates dislike the term gun control. It's too ... honest. So Mayor Bloomberg's anti-ballistic bully boys tried to rebrand their desire for civilian disarmament, renaming it "gun safety." While MSNBC embraced the term like Chris...

USA Today’s Revelation: More Calls for Gun Control Mean More Gun Sales

Shazam! It's almost as if Americans are rational actors, responding to the threat of potentially higher costs, increased regulatory hurdles and more scarcity by stocking up on a given item. That's USA Today's Kevin Johnson's...