Gun Hero of the Day: KSEE 24

21 A gushing media report on the grand opening of Kings Gun Center in . . . wait for it . . . California. The TV station gets TTAG's GHOTD for not saying word one...

NPR On The Best Way to Spin News Stories To Promote Gun Control

When bad things happen with firearms, there's usually an immediate emotional response. People demand that "something must be done" to "protect the children" from the "epidemic of gun violence." Needless to say (A) what we're...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Selfie Edition

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player The headline above the story almost gets it right: HPD: Man fatally shot while taking selfies with gun. Despite the obvious implication that the victim shot himself, it's possible someone...

Junk Science As Anti-Gun Propaganda

By Robert B. Young, MD Some weeks it’s hard to decide which new anti-gun “study” to dismember. The problem is that there is so much propaganda coming so fast and furiously. It’s like lobbing a lot...

BREAKING: Two Journalists Reported Killed in On-Camera Shooting in VA [VIDEO]

A Roanoke, Virginia news crew was attacked on camera during a live interview this morning. is reporting that "At least two people are dead after shots were fired at Smith Mountain Lake. Franklin...

MN Star Tribune Publishes Location of Cecil the Lion Killer’s Hunting Ranch

TTAG is a fan of Sporting Classics Daily. While we work on establishing a content sharing agreement, we thought we'd post a link to their most excellent blog post, Newspaper Publishes Map of Walter Palmer's...

OMG! A Race Car Driver! Shooting an AR! OMG! [VIDEO]

"F**k! You are a fool. Take a police car and leave F1." Ouch! That bit of binary bile was directed at Lewis Hamilton, the 2014 F1 World Champeen. What grievous online misconduct provoked that...

Planned Parenthood Controversy Reveals The Left’s Double Standard on Gun Control

"Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz published an opinion piece in USA Today using Fox News talking points to advocate for the full defunding of Planned Parenthood," reports. "That could result in millions of Americans losing access...

New York Times Wants You To Know Shooting is a Dangerous, Filthy Business

TTAG reader Ripcord sent us a link to the New York Times latest head-shaker about the scourge that is shooting on public lands. Ripcord does some head shaking himself, wondering, "First the open carriers,...

Yahoo Health Shills for Gun Control

You may recall that Surgeon General Vivek Murthy  famously declared "gun violence" is a "public health issue." When the founder of Doctors for Obama opened that front in the war against gun rights, the civilian disarmament industrial...

Incendiary Image of the Day: The Economist Imaginary Gun Ban Edition

  The Economist posted this anti-gun graphic on their Facebook page. As TTAG tipster MM pointed out, "What if America got rid of all cars? Or carbs? Or candy? Or swimming pools? Or sharp corners?" Not that...

Random Thoughts On Campus Carry for Women and Alcoholism

My second wife was a beautiful woman. When we walked through a restaurant, you could hear men groan as their wives or girlfriends kicked them under the table. Over the years, alcoholism claimed her looks. If...