Incendiary Image of the Day: AP Pulls Pic of Gun to the Head of...

Oh how the AP must have laughed when their stringer sent in this post-Charleston church killing picture of Ted Cruz with a gun to his head. Well, five images. Instead of consigning them to...

David Codrea and Part Company

David Codrea is a pillar of freedom fighters and Second Amendment supporters. He and Mike Vanderbough broke the Obama administration's Fast and Furious gun running scandal. He has numerous awards from the Second Amendment...

BREAKING: NBC’s Meet the Press Accused of Racism in “Gun Violence” Video

46 This morning's NBC's Meet the Press ran the above anti-gun segment on "gun violence." The carefully-edited excerpt from a larger film presented incarcerated criminals who'd shot innocent people and lived to regret it. All of those interviewed were...

Evolve Rolls Out ‘Clear It, Check It, Lock It’ Safety Campaign

73 As Advertising Age reports, "Gun safety advocacy group Evolve is spreading its own version of "stop, drop and roll" and "friends don't let friends drive drunk" to gun owners. The nonprofit is rolling out... Exploiting Murders for Gun Control is OK, but Not for Gun Rights

Following the murder of a New Jersey woman while she was waiting for her firearms license paperwork to crawl through the purposefully slow political system in the state, a number of people have been...

Geraldo Rivera’s Armed Guard Jailed for Concealed Carry

AWR Hawkins writes The armed guard who protected Geraldo Rivera as he covered the Baltimore riots for Fox News has been under arrest since May 1 2015. According to the The Baltimore Sun, the guard...

Note to Jon Stewart and Co.: Open Carry is Color Blind

In the video above, lame duck Daily Show host Jon Stewart takes on the controversy surrounding the now-infamous McKinney pool party video, where a police officer draws his weapon (and holsters it) while trying to...

OMG! A Concealed Carrier! At a Baseball Game! OMG!

"Well this is terrifying. During Monday night's Astros-Orioles game at Minute Maid park, a fan reached for a foul ball, and in doing so revealed a concealed firearm tucked into his waistband. Here's a still photo (above)...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: YouTube Claims A Victim Edition

49 "Officer Tanya Turnbow, Tooele Police Department, tells FOX 13 News the man and wife were at home Saturday morning and the man was watching an instructional video on how to manipulate his .40-caliber...

Shocker: Dart Center Rejects My App for Gun Violence Workshop

A couple of weeks ago, I received the expected rejection letter from the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma on my application to attend their "workshop for journalists on covering guns and gun violence"....

NRA Demos Suppressors, Dispels Myths for Illinois Media

By Ripcord Some here at TTAG can be quick to voice our criticism of the NRA. When we think they are slow to react or we think their message is off. But we should also...

Huffington Post Posts the Truth About Guns. Ish.

There's a cold wind blowing in Hell. has posted a TTAG hat-tipping polemic entitled In Gun Control Controversy, Can Americans Handle the Truth? Penned by right-leaning PR strategist Mario Almonte , the editorial dropped my jaw further and...