OMG! Blind People! With GUNS! OMG!

We've been here before. Back in October 2013, TTAG reader MD Matt took Jimmy Kimmel to task for making fun of sight-impaired shooters in Blind People with Gun? Get Over it.)  Three days ago, it was Defensive Gun...

Out of the Mouth of Babes . . . Come Wayne LaPierre’s Words

48 "I was at work watching a Hickok45 video," TTAG reader CR writes. "To my horror, this ad played. I'm sure hickok45 has no control over who YouTube lets advertise on his videos, I was...

NJ Man Arrested With Silenced Machine Gun. Wait. Silenced Semi-Automatic. No. Semi-Automatic.

We've blogged many a anti-gun story, justly accusing the writers of hypocrisy, mendacity and an over-arching desire to serve up anti-gun agitprop to their readers. Needless to say, misinformation is a key part of that...

Clear Channel Reverses Course, Takes Down Anti-Gun Ads

As we noted earlier, San Antonio-based Clear Channel Communications had donated billboard space to anti-gun org Stop Handgun Violence for an ad push to support the Bay State's over-the-top gun laws. That's a move...

Win a Free “Unbroken” Blue Ray DVD…Just Because!

I haven't seen 'Unbroken', but the movie started life as a Laura Hillenbrand book. And if Angelina Jolie et. al did anywhere near the job with 'Unbroken' that that was done with 'Seabiscuit', it's...

Texas-Based Clear Channel Donates Billboards to MA Anti-Gunner

"Beginning Tuesday, Stop Handgun Violence will be 'saturating' highway signs at three-dozen locations across the state," reports . . . The new highway signs being installed this week will read, 'We’re Not...

Mike “The Gun Guy” Weisser: Safe Storage is the Key to Firearms Safety

28 Mike "the Gun Guy" Weisser is at it again, helping demonize guns, gun ownership and gun owners. This time he's taking the National Shooting Sports Foundation to task for a completely benign gun...

OMG! A Seven-Year-Old Shooting a Gun! In Illinois! OMG!

The didn't invent anti-gun animus, but they've pretty much perfected the art, editorializing against gun rights in The Land of Lincoln with Bloombergian self-righteous fervor. Gun right advocates are routinely portrayed as "extremists." Pro-gun control extremists...

Pandora Airing Everytown for Gun Safety Anti-Gun Ads

TTAG reader RO writes; So I'm listening to one of my created favorite stations on Pandora this morning. It's commercial time which I normally tune out. But I heard an odd mix of words that triggered...

CSGV Demands Reporter Emily Miller Be Fired for Pro 2A Stance

By Sara Tipton This week the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence delivered a petition demanding that journalist Emily Miller be fired. They allege Miller has violated a "code of ethics" by maintaining a pro-gun stance on...

Florida ‘PolitiFact’ Slants Analysis of Gators and Guns

A bill to allow campus carry in Florida is winding its way through the legislature. As part of his testimony in support of the bill, Florida Students for Concealed Carry president Erek Culbreath, president made the following...

Why Are Anti-Gunners So Vile? – Reads Their Hate Mail

70 As you may be aware, gunophile and pro-2A sites such as this one are the bêtes noires of those who despise Americans' firearms freedom. There's no shortage of keyboard commandos out there who wish disease, death...