Incendiary Image of the Day: The Washington Post Thinks This is M855 Ammo

Posted above the Washington Post story, The NRA, even more ridiculous than usual. It seems incredible that a mainstream media outlet that's as virulently anti-gun as the WaPo wouldn't have one person on their news staff who knows...

TX Bill Would Limit Photographing Cops, Discriminate Against Anyone Carrying a Gun

With the progress of a bill moving through the Texas legislature that would legalize the open carry of handguns (at least for CCW license holders), Second Amendment rights in the Lone Star state seem...

Before and After: Guerilla Ad Highlights Liam Neeson’s Gun Hypocrisy

Two-faced Hollywood types are about a rare as outraged social justice warriors in Ferguson. You can't swing a dead cat on Santa Monica Boulevard without bumping into some actor spouting his views on how...

WaPo Fact Checks President’s “Odd” Gun Control Remarks

Denizens of Hades will have felt a chill wind blowing through the underworld today. The Washington Post - as stout a defender of civilian disarmament (and Barack Obama) as you will find in the...

Anti-Gun Filmmaker Assaults, Robs Pro-Gun Journalist

Making movies is expensive business, but documentary movies can have a real impact. Two years ago, Kris Koenig turned to Kickstarter to produce a documentary about gun rights in the United States called "Assaulted" that...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge of the Day: Revenge of the GLOCK Edition

Franklin County couple injured after woman's Glock goes off in purse announces. See? We told you off-body carry was a no-no. That's doubly true when a GLOCK has jealousy issues. "Lt. Phillip Young said the woman’s Glock...

NYT Gun Report Researcher, Hit Man’s Daughter, Moves to Everytown for Gun Safety

Jennifer Mascia, rabid anti-gunner Joe Nocera's editorial assistant, did most of the heavy lifting compiling the New York Times' Gun Report. She revealed that she's the daughter of a former mafia hit man when...

Facebook’s New Suicide Reporting Policy a Threat to Gun Rights

by Jake Middleton (republished with permission from If you haven’t been paying attention recently, Big Brother Facebook and their “safety” team are now going to be stepping through your computer screen and into your home. In...

Note to VICE NEWS’ Anti-Gunners: We SEE You!

40 Watching VICE NEWS' international vox populi Do We Need Stricter Gun Control? one question dominates. What's the point (other than wondering why two ostensibly Israeli citizens speak with a New Zealand accent)? I reckon VICE NEWS was trying to show...

Emily Miller Gets Her DC Carry License; Infernal Regions Endure Cold Spell

No, I am not making this up: Fox 5's chief investigative reporter Emily Miller was provisionally approved for a license to carry a concealed firearm within the District of Columbia. Miller is apparently the...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge of the Day: 4-Year-Old Shot By Falling .357 [Not Shown]...

" Troopers say the family was leaving a pickup when the woman's .357-caliber handgun fell out of its holster, struck the pavement on its hammer and fired," reports. "The shot hit the 4-year-old...

NYT Blogger Reveals Pig Ignorance on Guns. Again. Still.

Calling members of the mainstream media on the firearms-related myths, misstatements and misinformation they're so well known for spouting can be a Sisyphean task. No matter how many times you swat them over the net,...