High Art Meets Hi Capacity: A Different Look at Women and Guns

Pictorials featuring women and guns tend to heavily sexualize both subjects. Just Google "Women with Guns". You'll get a mixture of both professionally shot photos and photos from guys on ARFcom who want to show...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Facebook is Not Sending Gun-Themed X-Mas Cards to the...

Axl Rose is not dead. Yet. And Facebook isn't sending copies of gun-themed Christmas cards to the local constabulary. Onion-esque news satire site empirenews.com started the second rumor. "Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed rumors this morning that the...

OMG! A 10-Year-Old Shooting a Gun! OMG!

"How young is too young to learn to shoot?" the text under the ABC News Nightline video asks, rhetorically. The talking head introducing this report on 10-year-old Shyanne Roberts' shooting ability clearly signals the news org's disapproval. As does...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge of the Day: Ferguson Fallout Edition

"The boyfriend, who wasn't identified, told police that the couple had bought a gun because of fears of unrest related to the pending grand jury decision on the shooting of Michael Brown," cnn.com reports....

Update: Guns & Ammo Backs Down, Won’t Sue Guns Save Life Over Taurus Curve...

Yesterday John Boch, president of Illinois gun rights org Guns Save Life received a threat of legal action over his strongly-worded post that took a dim view of Taurus's latest product, the Curve .380...

Guns & Ammo Threatens to Sue Guns Save Life for Diss of Taurus Curve...

John Boch at gunssavelife.com doesn't care for the new Taurus Curve. "By all appearances, it seems to be a striker-fired double action semi-auto. It comes with an integral belt clip and can be stuffed right inside the...

Leno on NSSF Cancellation: “I Thought It Was a Hunting Show”

Comedian Jay Leno's decision to cancel his appearance at the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) SHOT Show dinner left a lot of gun guys and gals disappointed. While the monetary blowback will be minimal -...

Incendiary Image(s) of the Day: Innocent Targets Edition

"It is the feeling of safety, and maybe a little bit the feeling of power. That is what a lot of Americans say they get from gun-owning, which is ironic because if they looked...

Actively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Gang-Banger Bangs His Bad Self Edition

"Reputed gang member shoots self with own sawed-off shotgun ," foxnews.com reports. So if you're a "reputed gang member" (i.e. a gang banger) your gun doesn't just "go off." You actually shoot yourself. "It appears that...

Gun Owners, Paul Barrett is Embarrassed For By You

It's come to this: GLOCK chronicler and occasional firearms-related commentator Paul Barrett was compelled to put pen to paper over the weekend to express his discomfort with America's "gun subculture." That's right, Mr. and...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge of the Day: “Man shot when gun accidentally discharges after...

I used the headline from Pittsburgh's post-gazette.com because it's an excellent example of the mainstream media's inability to understand that guns do not go off by themselves. Perpetuating the idea that guns "accidentally discharge" sows fear...

How to Survive a Gun Junket

I just touched down in Pheonix, Arizona to check out Timney Triggers and their new facility. The company has been making triggers ever since 1946, and while just about everyone knows the name Timney,...