KC Mayor James Said Violence is Committed By Guns. Or Did He?

There has been much talk about how "progressives" don't believe in individual responsibility. There's the stereotype that liberals attribute volitional powers to firearms...that firearms cause violence. In anticipation of the Missouri legislature's veto override...

Red Jacket’s New Owner Speaks Out About Will Hayden

The original party line for the Sons of Guns crew when the story about former star Will Hayden raping 12-year-old children was denial. The accusations were all baseless, they stand with Will, the whole nine...

Stephanie Hayden’s Publicist On Dr. Phil Interview and Sexual Abuse

"I for one, am sickened by what I’ve come to know and will do everything I can to help them make something decent, out of these indecent events.... (Stephanie Hayden) has gone public with her...

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s Hometown Paper Fed-Up with MDA

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America jefe Shannon Watts lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. Despite the fact that the Gannett-owned Indianapolis Star is Ms. Watts' hometown paper, despite Gannett's long-standing love of gun control, the paper's...

‘Sons of Guns’ Stephanie Hayden Says Father Will Hayden Raped Her, Too

Just when you thought the Will Hayden story couldn't get much more sordid, it does. "Stephanie Hayden is now claiming she too was sexually abused as a child by her father, Will Hayden ... and will be...

CNN Shows That Yes, It Is Possible for Kids to Safely Shoot Guns

Wait...first there's a reasonable column about guns in the Washington Post and then CNN runs a piece that shows responsible parents and adults teaching kids as young as five how to shoot safely? On the...

Sons of Guns Officially Cancelled

Following the most recent arrest of Will Hayden for the alleged rape of his twelve year old daughter, Discovery Channel has decided to stop production of the next season of Sons of Guns and...

Gun Tweet of the Day: Chicago Body Count Edition

As the situation calms in Ferguson and opportunities for fresh video of flying Molotov cocktails and teargas canisters become scarce, life has gotten harder for tragedy TV media types. But never fear, an alert...

CBS Airs an Anti-Gun Pro-Gun Story

http://youtu.be/pZdks180efM The gunblogosphere lit up yesterday, after CBS aired a "shockingly positive look at women and guns" . Yes, well, I don't think so. The video above does not include the full report, which starts like...

CNN’s Don Lemon Owns a Machine Gun! Or Not.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMhZW6-B1T4 Making talking head Don Lemon look like a gibbering buffoon is a little like making Kate Upton look breathtakingly attractive. Both endeavors require virtually no preparation, planning or significant effort. During this priceless clip...

CNN Wolf Blitzer: Why Don’t Cops ‘Shoot to Wound?’

"On Thursday, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer asked guest Jeffrey Toobin why police weren't instructed to "shoot to injure," instead of kill," talkingpointsmemo.com reports. "Blitzer's questions arose during a discussion on the unfurling conflict...