Larry Pratt is Responsible for the Waco Siege. Or Not.

Rolling Stone Magazine's latest anti-gun polemic is a tome-length effort at taking down Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt. In The Zealot: Larry Pratt Is the Gun Lobby's Secret Weapon, Alexander Zaitchik recounts - in mind-numbing detail...

Question of the Day: Is This the Best Gunfight Scene in Movie History?

188 The story goes that Harrison Ford had the flu when he was supposed to shoot a fight scene for The Raiders of the Lost Ark. The result was an on-the-spot script change that will live...

An[other] Excellent Reason Why Cops Shouldn’t Shoot Dogs

"Coffee County Sheriff Doyle Wooten confirmed late Thursday night that a 10-year-old boy was shot while investigators stormed the scene where they said the suspect in a shooting traveled to," reports. Ending a...

BREAKING: Rachel Maddow’s Gun Range Date Revealed

85 MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow - the electronic equivalent of Febreeze for gun rights - revealed to TMZ she took her 15-year partner on a first date to a gun range. A few years ago, Ms. Maddow journeyed to the NRA convention to...

NRA Thrill Kill Redux: Houston, We Have a Problem

The horrific story coming out of Houston - a man named Ron Lee Haskell shot dead five children and one adult - is bad enough. The response of Gawker commentators is worse (but not unusual or...

Bloomberg’s Boy: Chicago Violence Due to Law Enforcement, Not Weak Laws

Paul Barrett is's gun guy. I don't envy the man his job. While Barrett's book on GLOCK revealed his enthusiasm for background checks (i.e. "closing the gun show loophole"), ammunition magazine capacity...

John Walsh Wants to Be the New Piers Morgan

“'I am the guy that has seen both sides of the issue,' (new CNN host John) Walsh told reporters Monday. 'I own guns. I'm the father of a murdered child. I've done nothing but...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: ‘Nuff Said? Edition

"An off-duty Kansas City police officer suffered a slight foot wound Wednesday when his service weapon inadvertently discharged," reports. "Kansas City police said the officer had stopped by a credit union in the...

Quinnipiac Poll: Americans Distrust Gun Control Activists

By Nick Leghorn and Dan Zimmerman Since yesterday was a day that ended with a 'y', The Washington Post ran another hand-wringing head-scratcher, asking why, despite Americans' overwhelming support for expanded background checks, Congress can't seem...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Clumsy Rifle! Edition

As usual, we start with the headline: Wise County teen shot when rifle bumped a wall, sheriff reports. Clumsy rifle! "Several children spotted a snake while playing outside along County Road 4764 and ran inside...

ABC News’ Anti-Gun Bias Revealed. Again. Still.

TTAG reader LM writes: So this page popped up on Google News today: Santa Barbara Shooter’s Father's Open Letter: 'We Have to Stop This'. The thing that totally pisses me off is ABC News' opening paragraph, where...

Dick Metcalf, Unforgiven

  Back in the day, Dick Metcalf penned an article for Guns & Ammo advocating infringements on the Second Amendment. The Powers That Be fired Metcalf and the magazine's editor. Anti-gun activists immediately leaped to Metcalf’s...