Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Ice-T’s Grandson Edition

The headline sure ain't passive: Ice-T's grandson arrested, accused of killing roommate. But the text soon lives up to our expectations of passivity when it comes to negligent discharges - especially when the shooter is...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: Chicago Bus Edition

Woman wounded when gun goes off on CTA bus the headline proclaims. Why are guns riding the busses in Chicago? Don't they know that's illegal! Unless they're being carried by a resident with a...

Washington Post Blog Proves Gun Owners Are Ignorant. Or Not.

Wow. It's been quite the day for bogus "empirical" attacks on Americans' natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. First goes all link-crazy in an attempt to prove that...

Hearst Magazines in the Tank for Gun Control

"Former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, firmly lamented gun violence as a women’s issue as their political action committee, Americans for Responsible Solutions, gears up to support candidates in the...

Passively Constructed Negligent Cannon Discharge Story of the Day: Civil War Edition

"What was supposed to be a celebratory lesson in American history has sent three children to the hospital," reports. "They were a part of a Civil War re-enactment group watching a parade in...

Question of the Day: How Do We Make Guns Normal?

Reader Dan S. writes: The recent article P320 Entry: This Isn’t Working brought up some good points about re-framing the discussion about gun issues in a way to appeal to a wider range of people, which...

Coming Soon: Police Militarization-The Video Game!

107 Announced this week at E3, the latest incarnation of the Battlefield series of video games (typically set in sandy environments and pitting heavily armed military units against each other) will instead feature heavily armed police...

Bloomberg-Funded Gun Control Group Releases List of “School Shootings” since Newtown, Immediately Debunked

Trying to capitalize on the recent high profile shooting incidents in the news, the Bloomberg funded gun control group Everytown fro Gun Safety released a list of 70+ "school shootings" that they claim happened...

Brady Campaign on Las Vegas Cop Killer’s Facebook Rifle Request

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence statement on Las Vegas cop and CCW killer Jerad Miller's Facebook request for a rifle: "In March, we said Facebook’s new gun policy didn’t go far enough, and we...

Mother Jones, Moms Demand Action Caught in Anti-Gun Lie. Again.

A few days ago, Mother Jones ran an article detailing the atrocious behavior of "gun bullies" who reportedly spat on a woman in a wheelchair after seeing her on TV speaking in favor of...

Incendiary Image of the Day: I Don’t Think the Word “Arsenal” Means What They...

Cops find arsenal of guns, swords in Brooklyn apartment headline proclaims. According to the decimal deficient Post, we're looking at "a 9 MM Highpoint Rifle with a defaced serial number, one 380 Cal loaded semi-automatic...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge of the Day: Fly Like an Eagle Edition

"The only place for a gun is on your person or in a safe." That's the rabbi's sage advice on safe storage. But that's not nearly enough information to keep your kids safe. What...